2) G-Sensor Graph
The axis on the left hand side of the graph above indicates the acceleration
force in gs (1g = 9.81m/s2)
The Red line on the graph displays the G-Forces forces from
acceleration/deceleration (X axis)
The Green graph line displays the left and right G-Forces (Y axis)
The Blue line on the graph displays the Up/Down G-Forces (Z axis)
The colour key at the top of the graph explains the colours on the progress
bar on the bottom. For example, the Grey bar indicates the driver is driving
under the G-Force threshold. A Red bar will show when the driver exceeds
the G-Force threshold.
Normal / Sdn Start. Accel. Brake: Normal (When the driver is driving
under the G-Force threshold. This will be indicated by a Grey bar. A Red bar
will appear if a sudden acceleration, deceleration or turn that exceeds the
G-Force threshold is made.
C. Drive Information
The drive information can be found at the top of screen and shows the data
analysis of the whole journey selected in the data file list.