Beijing TT Aviation Technology Co., Ltd.
Add: No.1 TTA Building, Niantou Industrial Park ,Changping District,Beijing, China
6.3 Extra Mode
This section is used for setting external modules, including smart batteries, terrain
following radar, etc..
6.3.1 Smart Battery
This function is under developing.
6.3.2 Terrain Follow Radar
Terrain following sensitivity: Control the drone to follow the height change of the terrain,
and keep the relative distance from the ground fixed at all times.
Low sensitivity
: suitable for high-stalk crops (such as sorghum, corn, etc.). It can
prevent falling and twitching caused by high loft lodging and uneven high loft.
Medium sensitivity
: suitable for most scenarios and non-stalk crops (such as rice,
wheat, soybeans, etc.). The speed of the simulation is moderate, and the response is
High sensitivity
: It is suitable for demonstration effects and some non-operational
entertainment places. It is sensitive to imitation, rising fast and falling fast.