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Product Introduction
Nose direction
with an arrow
Figure 3
Figure 4
Combine well
Figure 5
Figure 6
Take out drone head and tank assembly, as shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2. (The
direction indicated by the arrow on dome, or the position with the TTA mark on the bottom
of dome indicates the direction of drone nose.)
1) Put the upside of drone head down as Figure1.
2) Mount the fuselage and the water tank kit according to the Figure3. The upper tank lid
is at the drone tail.
3) Pay attention to the raised position on landing gears as Figure 4.
4) Slip the landing gear gently into the groove as Figure5. Gently hit the landing gear to
make its raise position slip into the locating hole of groove wall.
5) Mount the rest 5 landing gears as Figure 6.