clamp in the installation. And the dimension of end/middle clamp for WEEB grounding parts have to follow our
proposed requirement that the clamp overlap the module frame by at least 5 mm, the clamp overlap length is at
least 38 mm and the fasteners torque of at least 10 ft-lbs (13.5N-m) is suggested.
Figure 11 Grounding with Clips
8. Mounting Methods and Configurations
The module is considered to be in compliance with UL 1703 only when the module is mounted in the manner
specified by the mounting instructions below
As introduced in section 6.F, there are two mechanical installation methods: Clamp and Bolt. Both methods of
mounting and configuration are explained below, respectively.
In all cases, PV modules are to be mounted over a fire resistant roof covering rated for the application.
Clamp Method
The module is secured to the mounting structure by clamping. A clamping solution requires a top clamp piece that
braces the front of the module frame, and a rail or bottom clamp piece that supports or clamps the bottom of the
module. The top clamp pieces hold the module securely at four points against rails or bottom clamps. Except for
modules at beginning and end of a row of modules, middle clamps can be used to hold two modules per clamp.
For the allowed location of each clamp on a PV module, see the clamp zone definition in section 6.F, Figure 4.
An example of top, bottom and middle clamp is shown in Table 1
When using clamping method, make sure the clamping overlap is positioned according to figure 12 and figure 13.
The module clamping method is shown in figure 14 and the clamping material should be anodized aluminum alloy.
Warranty may be void if inappropriate clamps or unsuitable clamping method are used.