TSI DustTrak DRX Desktop SOP v1.1
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P a g e
b. To update the clock, set the “Instrument Time” to a time in the future by 10-20 seconds (also be sure
that the date is correct). And then 3 – 4 seconds ahead of reaching that time press the “Send” button.
This needs to be done as there is a delay in the transmission. You will get a pop-up window
confirming that the time has be changed and you have to select “OK” and then select “Close” on the
clock update window.
3. Changing or Creating a RunMode:
Use this guide when you are starting a new RunMode test from scratch.
1. Changing or creating a new RunMode can be achieved by going to Instrument Setup -> Logging Setup…
a. In this new window there are many options, but one of the more important things to notice is in the top
right that indicates the amount of memory remaining. You can’t send a RunMode Test that uses more
memory than what is available. In most cases, it then makes sense to download the data and then
delete the data (see the next section for how to do this through TrakPro).
b. The first thing to do is to get the most recent programs from the DRX device by selecting “Read” from
the right-hand menu.
c. From the left-hand menu you can select a RunMode test (called a protocol here) to edit.
d. Be sure to only change a RunMode test that will not be needed for another time/project.
e. Once a test has been selected, the options along the right side of the window are available to edit.
i. Test Name: This can be modified to represent the type of test and site it is being run at.
ii. Start Date/Start Time: These options are for scheduling the start of the next test. For the RunMode
test to use this option the check boxes must be selected beside both the Start Date and Start Time.
This can be used for automatically starting the DRX device RunMode when the device is in a position
that requires a delay before it starts to record.
iii. Log Interval: This is how often the data is recorded in the final memory. For a 2 minute data interval
required, this should be set to 2 minutes.
iv. Test Length: This is how long the test will run for. This is linked to the Log Interval and the available
memory and will not let you exceed the available memory. For a certain project this should already
be calculated based on 100% available memory. The amount of memory required for the test is
indicated at the bottom of this window.
v. Number of tests/Time between tests: to make things easier make sure this is always equal to 1 (for
number of tests) and 1 minute (for time between tests).
vi. Time Constant: This is the sampling rate. Keep this at 1 (second).
vii. Auto Zero Enable & Interval: Select the box and an interval time to use the auto-zero module. The
use of this and its interval will be noted for the project.
2. Lastly, once all of the options are selected for that RunMode you have edited can be loaded to the DRX
device by selecting the “Send” option.
4. Troubleshooting
This section is to try and anticipate any problems with the DRX device that you may encounter. This might be
with the DRX unit itself or the TrakPro software.
A. If the PC will not connect to the DRX unit; first, make sure the USB cable is connected properly to both the PC
and the unit/enclosure; then restart the DRX unit manually.
B. If the DRX unit will not connect to TrakPro through “Logging Control” first try to connect with the
“Communications…” option; if that does not work restart the DRX unit manually.
C. Zeroing Error: If this error appears there is either an issue with the flow in the inlet, an issue with the auto-
zero module, or a memory issue.
Check the hose and inlet for any blockages
Manually zero the instrument with the auto-zero module attached to see if it is functioning properly.
After downloading any data from the DRX device to a PC, delete the data from the DRX device, and
try to run a test by creating a new RunMode test with an Auto Zero interval of 16 minutes. Wait the