TTP-243 Plus/ 243E Plus/
342 Plus Bar Code Printer
4.5 Felt Fabric Replacement
Felt Fabric is located in the ribbon supply spindle. It is used to tighten the ribbon to
prevent it from getting wrinkled during printing. If the ribbon can not be tightened when
label back feeds during printing, please replace with a new felt to secure the best
printing quality. Follow the steps below to replace the felt fabric.
1. Follow the instructions in Section 4.3 to remove DC motor and DC motor fixture.
2. Remove the E-ring and washer on ribbon supply spindle.
Fig. 4.6 Components of the
Ribbon Supply Spindle
3. Remove the spring cover, compression spring and spring holder.
4. Remove the spring, felt clutch and felt fabric.
5. Replace with a new felt.
Fig. 4.7 Side View of the
Ribbon Supply Spindle Assembly
E Ring
Spring Cover
Spring Holder
Felt Clutch
Felt Fabric