%Change in Speed Dip Switch Values
%Change in Speed Dip Switch Value
30% 11001100 0% 11111111
29% 10101100 -1% 00111111
28% 00011100 -2% 01011111
27% 01011100 -3% 11101111
26% 10111100 -4% 00101111
25% 11111100 -5% 10001111
24% 01000010 -6% 01110111
23% 00100010 -7% 11010111
22% 11100010 -8% 00010111
21% 10010010 -9% 10100111
20% 00110010 -10% 01000111
19% 11110010 -11% 11111011
18% 10001010 -12% 11011011
17% 00101010 -13% 00011011
16% 01101010 -14% 10101011
15% 10011010 -15% 10001011
14% 11011010 -16% 01110011
13% 01111010 -17% 01010011
12% 00000110 -18% 01100011
11% 11000110 -19% 01000011
10% 01100110 -20% 01111101
9% 00010110 -21% 01011101
8% 01010110 -22% 01101101
7% 11010110 -23% 10001101
6% 00001110 -24% 10110101
5% 01001110 -25% 00010101
4% 10101110 -26% 00100101
3% 00011110 -27% 11111001
2% 01011110 -28% 01011001
1% 00111110 -29% 10101001
0% 11111111 -30% 00001001
Chart C
1 represents dip switch on, 0 represents dip switch off, for example the dip switch
settings in
Figure 6
is the equivalent of 11100001.
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
Figure 6