Sight Fighter Digital Plus
10. Click on 'Finish' to restart your computer.
If the game pad has been connected to the USB port, Windows 98 may
detect the game pad again after the computer has been restarted. If
necessary, refer to 'd:\'.
3.4 Adding the joystick
This chapter can be ignored if the game pad has been connected to the
USB port on your computer. Please continue with chapter 4.
Before using the game pad, it must be added to the 'Game Controllers' in the 'Control
Panel'. This is carried out as follows:
1. Click on 'Start', choose 'Settings' and then 'Control Panel'.
2. Double click on the 'Game Controllers' icon (figure 15). A new window will appear.
Figure 15: Game controllers icon
3. Remove all the joysticks and game pads which may already be installed here by
clicking on them and them clicking the 'Remove...' button.
Do this for all the joysticks that have been installed.
4. Next, click on the 'Add...' button. A list of joysticks will be displayed.
5. Look in the list for the 'Trust Sight Fighter Digital Plus (Gameport)' and click on it
once it has been found.
6. Next, click on 'OK' to add the game pad. You will return to the start screen. The
'Trust Sight Fighter Digital Plus (Gameport)' must be shown as being installed.
The status of the game pad must be given as 'OK'.
7. Click on the 'OK' button. The game pad is now installed.
Do not carry out any Calibration! This is a digital game pad, so this is not
necessary. This may also cause the game pad to not function correctly.