True Blue Power, Wichita, KS
REV. E August 29, 2012
Manual Number 9017039
The TI500 series Static Inverter incorporates a remote on/off feature that allows the user to
enable or disable the output of the unit. By providing a ground on the appropriate pin (See
Table 3.3) the user, via a remote mounted switch or similar method, can enable the output
of the unit. The unit can be similarly disabled by removing the ground signal (open circuit) to
the same pin.
When the input voltage exceeds the operating range of the unit (See Section 1.2.1; absolute
maximum input of 37VDC) the unit senses an over-voltage condition and disables the output.
The unit will dynamically monitor the input voltage such that if the input returns to within the
normal operating range, the output will be enabled and allow the unit to operate normally.
When the input voltage drops below the operating range of the unit (See Section 1.2.1;
absolute minimum input of 20VDC) the unit senses an under-voltage condition and disables
the output. The unit will dynamically monitor the input voltage such that if the input returns
to within the normal operating range, the output will be enabled and allow the unit to
operate normally.
The TI500 incorporates an internal temperature sensing device that continually provides
monitoring and feedback to the control circuits. When the unit senses an internal condition
that exceeds maximum temperature ratings, the output is disabled. The internal cooling fans
will continue to operate and the unit output will be enabled when the temperature returns to
within acceptable limits. This over-temperature reset occurs automatically without external
intervention required.
The TI500 is capable of surviving a short circuit or over-current event without permanent
damage or effect to long-term reliability. The unit can provide over its rated power output up
to 550 watts for up to 2 hours. The unit is also capable of supporting an overload condition
of 750 watts for 5 minutes with distortion of the sine wave and reduced voltage output.
The unit monitors on pulse-by-pulse scenario to determine a short circuit or over-current
situation. If detected, the output is limited by clipping the AC sine wave form, limiting the
power output. The unit will also produce an audible clicking noise, indicating that the power
output limit has been exceeded. When the short circuit or over-current event is removed, the
unit will return to normal operation.
The unit is equipped with two internal brushless DC fans for cooling to extend the power
range and long-term life. The fans are activated at a specified point determined by the
continuous monitoring of the internal temperature. The fans operate very quietly to reduce
the audible noise in any environment. The two fans provide independent redundancy for
protection of the unit in the event that one becomes inoperative.
The unit is also designed to provide 75% of the rated load continuously at temperatures up
to +40°C in the event that both fans become inoperable and no cooling is available.