Quick set up guide for AirSim Advance Crico
1. Remove AirSim advance Crico from the black carrier case, with blue
bag and plastic connector.
2. Connect one end of the plastic connector to the open section of the left
Bronchi on the AirSim airway.
3. Connect the other end of the plastic connector to the blue lung bag.
Ensure that the tongue is inflated with approx 20ml of air. This will
create normal lingual tension. Increasing the amount of air will create
a more difficult airway management scenario.
Each model shipped will be able to begin Cricothyroidotomy procedure
immediately but please ensure that the airway has sealing tape
covering the Cric hole, the larynx is in its secured resting position and
that the skin is attached to all the velcro points to enable a fully
functioning product.
After a nominal amount of procedures ensure that the airway sealing
tape is replaced as this will affect the airtight quality of the product.
The larynx can be removed easily and another piece of sealing tape
cut to approx 5-6cm and attached over the Cric hole in the airway.
Please ensure that the airway is clean and dry before attaching the
tape to ensure secure tape adhesion.
To ensure the larynx is in it
’s secure resting position line up the gap on
the larynx that resembles the cricothryoid membrane to the white
sealing tape.
Each replaceable neck skin can be easily removed and a new piece
attached and we hope that it will last up to 25 times before needing
replaced. To ensure a completed fully functional neck skin, all velcro
locations must be attached to the skin.
Trucorp’s silicone lubricant ensure that the internal airway and
the nasal passage is well lubricated.
Ensure that all airway devices are prepared to the manufactures