Building a permanent electric fence
Components of an electric fence
An electric fence system comprises the following elements:
An energizer.
An earth system.
This comprises a number of metal rods
inserted into the ground, which are connected to the
Fence earth terminal on the energizer.
Tru-Test insulated underground cables.
Used to connect
the energizer to the earth and fence.
An insulated fence.
Connected to the Fence output
terminal of the energizer. Fences can be made to a
variety of designs (see below).
Other useful components that can be added:
Cut-out switches. Installed at regular intervals,
these allow you to isolate sections of the fence for
Lightning diverter kit. Used to minimise the
damage to your energizer from lightning
conducted down the fence line.
Typical installation
The animal receives a shock when it completes a circuit
between the fence and the earth system. The fence below
has all live wires and requires conductive soils. These fences
are often referred to as 'all-live' or 'earth-return' fences.
Alternative installation
For poor conductivity soils (dry or sandy), a 'fence-return' or
'earth-wire-return' system is recommended. On these fences
the Fence earth terminal is connected directly to at least one
of the fence wires. The animal gets maximum shock from
touching a live and earth wire at the same time.
Fence designs
Fences can be constructed to suit the type of livestock and
materials available. Discuss with your Tru-Test distributor
which design best suits your needs. Some suggested fence
configurations are below.
Cattle and horses
10-15 m (33-49') spacing, posts only
15-20 m (49-65') spacing with droppers
Sheep, goats, cattle and horses
10 m (33') spacing, posts only
15 m (49') spacing with droppers
Wild animals
7 wire, 10 m (33') spacing with droppers
End assemblies
Angle stay
Suitable for field gate, high-tension strainer.
After firmly setting the footed strainer in the ground, dig in
the stay block just below ground level, at a distance to
ensure the angle stay will be held snugly in position. The stay
can be levered into position with a spade.