- XM155 V1.0 NR
Base Temp
With this function you can display the temperature in the projector base (near LCD-display) in Celsius.
Head Temp
With this function you can display the temperature on the display board of the base (near CMY-filter) in Celsius.
Software version
With this function, you can display the software version of the device.
• Select
“Software version”
by turning the encoder.
• Press the encoder, the display shows
, “X.X” stands for the version number, e.g. “V-1.0”, “V-2.6”.
• Turn the encoder in order to read the version of every individual IC.
• Press the Mode/Esc-button in order to return to the main menu.
When the real temperature around the lamp is higher than the preset value, the lamp will be shut down in 5
minutes automatically.
When the LCD display shows “Off”, it means the lamp must be turned on again manually;
When the LCD display shows “Hot”, it means the actual temperature around the lamp is still higher than the
preset value, so even the lamp can not be striked even the menu Lamp is turned to ON, as the lamp switch is
compelled to turned off.
When the temperature unit after the temperature value come to lowercase letter “c” or “f”, it means menu
Lamp is turned to ON, but the lamp is not full dimming up.
When the temperature unit after the temperature value come to capital letter “C” or “F”, it menu Lamp is
turned to ON, and the lamp is full intensity
Lamp on/off
With this function you can switch the lamp on or off via the Control Board.
• Select
"Lamp on/off"
by turning the encoder.
• Press the encoder, the display shows
• Turn the encoder to select
if you wish to strike the lamp or
in order to switch it off.
• Press the encoder to confirm.
• Press the Mode/Esc-button in order to return to the main menu.
The menu Lamp On/Off is the software command only, the lamp can be striked successfully only when the
menu Lamp is set to ON and the actual temperature is lower than the limited value.
Lamp on/off when power on
With this function you can select if the lamp will be switched on when switching the power on. Select
turning the encoder if you wish to enable this function or
if you don’t.
Lamp on via external controller
With this function you can select if you can switch the lamp on via an external controller (DMX-channel of internal
programs, value 64-79). Select
by turning the encoder if you wish to enable this function or
if you
Lamp off via external controller
With this function you can select if you can switch the lamp off via an external controller (DMX-channel of internal
programs, value 224-239). Select
by turning the encoder if you wish to enable this function or
if you
Lamp Off if no DMX
With this function you can select to switch off the lamp off automatically if there is no DMX signal). Select
turning the encoder if you wish to switch off the lamp automatically at once, Select
by turning the encoder if
you wish to postpone to 19 minutes switch off the lamp automatically.
Lamp on at temp.
With this function you can set the inside temperature from which the projector will restrike the lamp after automatic