72V VDSL Adapter Unit
© Tritech International Ltd.
5. Maintenance
The 72V VDSL Adapter has only one major serviceable item - the fuses for
the AC and DC supplies.
5.1. After using the unit
Make sure that after using the 72V VDSL Adapter the unit does not have any
obvious signs of damage. Particular attention should be taken with the cable
connections on the unit in order to ensure that none of the connectors have
broken, or bent, pins. Ensure that the unit is dry and store in an appropriate
storage container.
5.2. Changing the Fuses
The AC and DC fuses are located on the side of the unit opposite the
connectors and power switch.
Before attempting to open either of the fuse carriers, ensure
that power to the 72V VDSL Adapter Unit has been completely