- Enabling/Disabling Display Command
o<output_port> on | off
Function: Enable or disable source display on the specified display devices.
o on
Description: Enable the function.
o off
Description: Disable the function
o o<output_port>
Description: Specify the output port of the target display.
Format: 01=Display A, 02=Display B, *=Both Display A & B.
- Display Mode Command
matrix | mirror | pip
Function: Set the display mode of the B300-9X2-4K to either matrix, mirror or pip
o matrix
Description: This is the default setting. Select this mode to assign different sources to the connected displays
o mirror
Description: Select this mode to generate a mirror view, where the source on Display A is automatically assigned to Display B.
o pip
Description: Select this mode to produce a composite display in which the source on Display B is inserted into Display A in
a mini window.
Format: 01=Display A, 02=Display B, *=Both Display A & B.
- EDID Mode Command
default | port1 | remix
Function: Set the EDID mode of the B300-9X2-4K to either default, remix, or port1(Display A)
o default
Description: Sends the pre-defined EDID information to the sources.
o port1
Description: Sends the EDID information of Display A to the sources.
o remix
Description: Sends the optimum EDID among the connected displays to the sources.
- HDCP Authentication Command
i<input_port> hdcp on | off
Function: Enable or disable encryption (HDCP) of the specified source.
o i<input_port>
Description: Specify the input port of the target source.
Format: 01-06
o on