RS-232 Serial Commands
Switching inputs and outputs on the B300-9X2-4K can be done via RS-232 commands. The following section details the
setup instructions and various RS-232 commands.
To automatically lock the panel pushbuttons:
1. Press the Menu button to access the System Settings.
2. Download and install the controller software that supports RS-232 serial control and the operation system of your controller PC.
3. Execute the software and configure
the connection settings to the following:
• Serial Line to connect to: COM1
• Speed (Baud): 19200
• Data bits: 8
• Stop bits: 1
• Parity: None
• Flow control: None
4. Once a session is established, you can configure the B300-9X2-4K by sending RS-232 commands. The following section
provides a full list of commands that can be executed.
Command Guidelines
The general form of a command is:
parameter<argument> { one | two | three}
If you have two or more parameters, the order of these parameters among one another does not affect the result of the
operation. For example, both of the following commands execute the same task:
command name + parameter 1 + parameter 2
command name + parameter 2 + parameter 1
Notation Descriptions
The name of the command is shown in bold.
Indicates the name of the parameter.
<argument>: Indicates the name of the value or the information the user must provide. Only type the information in the
angles brackets, not the brackets themselves.
{ }:
Indicates a set of choices from which the user must choose one.
Indicates two or more mutually exclusive choices in a command line. Only type one of the choices in the
command line, not the symbol.