5. Divide the entire treatment area into two main sections - one for each
side of your face and/or neck (right side and left side). Typically, you treat
one side of your face/neck entirely before treating the other side. Divide
each side into several working sections that are approximately twice the
size of the device head. In general, you first treat one working section
and then move to an adjacent section. You repeat this general technique
and movement until you have treated one entire side of your face/neck.
Then, you use the same technique to treat the other side of your face
and neck (Fig.15).
6. Place the device on your skin, ensuring that all four electrodes are touching
the skin. For best results, all four electrodes must be in full contact with
the skin at all times during treatment.
7. Start moving the device in very slow circular motions or small figure
eights, slowly heating your skin (Fig.16). The orange indicator light will
turn ON when the skin is heated to the optimal temperature. In addition,
a beep will sound to indicate that the optimal treatment temperature
has been reached.
Be sure to keep the device constantly moving on your skin.
Do not leave the device on one place for long without movement, as
skin overheating may occur. Be sure to constantly move the device slowly
over the skin to ensure proper heating of the treated area. Moving the
device too fast will not achieve the intended effect.