Avoid usage near strong RF fields (radio or television transmitters, walkie
talkies, cellular phones, etc.). The meter may display readings that are in
error, causing the user to misinterpret the hazards present. For example,
the meter may indicate a low voltage when high voltages are actually
present. Failure to observe this precaution may result in damage to
the meter or injury to the user.
Remove the battery when the meter may be left unused for longer than 1
month. Chemical leakage from the battery could damage the meter,
leading to user injury.
Do not use the meter if there is evidence of chemical leakage from the
battery. Leakage could damage meter and lead to injury of user.
Observe whether HOLD function is activated. The meter may not show the
presence of dangerous potentials when HOLD is activated. For example,
if HOLD is applied when the meter is reading zero, and 120VAC is
subsequently applied, the meter will continue to read zero. Failure to
observe this precaution may result in damage to the meter or injury to
the user.
Do not attempt to test charged capacitors. Only discharged capacitors may
be tested. If you wish to test a capacitor, discharge it using an approved
method before connecting it to the meter.
Some capacitors can
store dangerous lethal charges. Discharging these capacitors can be
dangerous unless an approved method is used. Failure to observe this
precaution may result in damage to the meter or injury to the user.
Do not use the thermocouple to measure the temperature of objects that
are electrically “live”. Failure to observe this precaution may result in
damage to the meter or injury to the user.
Do not attempt to measure the hFE of a transistor with the meter’s
test leads connected. Failure to observe this precaution may result in
injury to the user.
Do not attempt to measure capacitance with test leads connected to
the input banana jacks of the meter. Failure to observe this precaution
may result in injury to the user.
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