In a closet or in any closed compound.
Where unit ven3la3on may be obstructed by curtains or furniture.
Where dirt and dust may accumulate and block the sensor, preven3ng its opera3on.
Where there is humidity and moisture.
Directly over cooking installa3ons.
Directly over sinks.
By a door, window or any other place that may be subject to drads such as an air
extrac3on fan or ven3la3on aperture.
Anywhere out of a structure.
Where temperatures may drop below zero degrees cen3grade or exceed 55 degrees
Where it may be subject to impact or damage.
When the sensor is installed in an area with rough working condi3ons such as extra
wet kitchens and laundry rooms, it should be protected by a transparent plas3c case
with holes at its boYom.
Places where the detector should
be posi3oned