TMCM-343 Hardware Manual (V1.07 / 2011-JUN-08)
Copyright © 2011, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG
Putting the TMCM-343 into operation
On the basis of a small example it is shown step by step how the TMCM-343 is set into operation.
Experienced users could skip this chapter and proceed to chapter 9.
Example: The following application is to implement with the TMCL-IDE Software development
environment in the TMCM-343 module. For data transfer between the host PC and the module the
RS232 interface is employed.
A formula how
is converted into a physical unit like rotations per seconds can be found in
Calculation: Velocity and acceleration vs. microstep and fullstep
Turn Motor 0 left with speed 500
Turn Motor 1 right with speed 500
Turn Motor 2 with speed 500, acceleration 5 and move between po10000 and –10000.
Step 1:
Connect the RS232 Interface as specified in 7.7.
Step 2:
Connect the motors as specified in 7.3.
Step 3:
Connect the power supply.
+5 VDC to pins 1 or 3
Ground to pins 2, 4, 6, 8 or 10
Step 4:
Connect the motor supply voltage
+10 to 30 VDC to pins 5, 7, 9
Step 5:
Switch on the power supply and the motor supply. An on-board LED should start to
flash. This indicates the correct configuration of the microcontroller.
Step 6:
Start the TMCL-IDE Software development environment. Open file test2.tmc. The
following source code appears on the screen:
A description for the TMCL commands can be found in Appendix A.
Step 7:
Click on Icon
to convert the TMCL™ into machine code.
Then download the program to the TMCM-343 module via the Icon
Step 8:
Press Icon
. The desired program will be executed.
Please refer to the TMCM-341/342/343 TMCL™ Firmware Manual for further information about the
The next chapter discusses additional operations to turn the TMCM-343 into a high performance
motion control system.
//A simple example for using TMCL
ROL 0, 500
//Rotate motor 0 with speed 500
WAIT TICKS, 0, 500
ROR 1, 250
//Rotate motor 1 with 250
WAIT TICKS, 0, 500
SAP 4, 2, 500
//Set max. Velocity
SAP 5, 2, 50
//Set max. Acceleration
Loop: MVP ABS, 2, 10000
//Move to Position 10000
WAIT POS, 2, 0
//Wait until position reached
MVP ABS, 2, -10000
//Move to Position -10000
WAIT POS, 2, 0
//Wait until position reached
JA Loop
//Infinite Loop