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Trilogy Communications
Mentor CX
PSU1 and PSU2
Green = PSU module in normal operational mode, AC input is applied, the DC voltage rail is
within specification and the fan is OK
Red = There is an error with a PSU module (AC input is not applied; DC voltage is out of
range or fan fail.)
Off = PSU module not fitted.
Reference Generator Sync Status, A (primary) and B (secondary)
Green = Generator synchronised
Red = Generator not synchronised.
Input status
There are individual LED indicators for each input, 2 per channel. They also have a secondary
purpose when Mentor CX is in
configuration mode.
Normal mode
Configuration Mode
Green = input OK
Flashing Green = input in warning
Red = channel input in error
Yellow = inputs A and B are different format
and are not in error
Flashing Red = invalid state
Off = channel not enabled.
Green = channel is enabled
Red = channel is disabled.
Changeover Alarm
This translucent LED bar is located to the left side of the front panel.
Green for normal operation
Flashing red when a changeover has occurred when the unit is in auto or GPI control mode.