When you add the rock to the roll you are essentially
putting the rear wheels in a subtle yet responsive
position to generate forward thrust. It will take a few
minutes to catch on to a coordinated combination of
turning and rocking, but to those who have any skiing or
inline skating experience you will immediately feel the
Your speed should pickup dramatically, and you will
begin to thrust forward with each turn. Please note
that it does not require that you make tight turns.
Rather, you should allow the vehicle to kind of steer
itself in a more graceful curving path.
Many first time riders tend to exaggerate the turning of
the handlebars thinking that they need to continue with
tight turns. Not so! The degree of your turns should
diminish as you begin to add the rocking motion and as
your speed increases. Turning too hard can cause the
vehicle to “Jack
Knife” potentially causing you to fall.
Take your time.
Whatever you do, do not muscle the handlebars.
Experienced riders use a light touch on the handlebars
mostly for balance.
Trikke Tribred Free