Subject to change without notice. Information provided without guarantee.
Data sheet 09/22-EM122-3
Emergency lighting units
EM converterLED
7.6 Storage, installation and commissioning
Relevant information about storage conditions, installation and commissioning
are provided in the battery datasheets.
7.5 Wiring batteries
For further information refer to corresponding battery datasheet.
7.4.4 Overtemperature protection
The battery is protected against temporary thermal overheating. If the tempera-
ture limit is exceeded the further charging of the battery is no longer possible.
The temperature protection is activated below approx. 0 °C and above approx.
+60 °C. The discharging of the battery is still possible to guarantee emergency
8. Miscellaneous
8.1 Maximum number of switching cycles
EM converterLEDs are tested with 50,000 mains switching cycles of the
associated LED driver.
8.2 Battery replacement
After a battery replacement and a subsequent full charge cycle (24 h) a
duration test is mandatory to prove that with the new battery the rated
duration is achieved.
8.3 Mains-connected transformers
The EM converterLED does not contain mains-connected windings of trans-
8.4 FELV control terminals
FELV control terminals marked „Risk of electric shock“ are not safe
to touch. Insulate circuits connected to any FELV control terminal for
the Low Voltage supply voltage of the control gear. Protect terminals
connected to the FELV circuit against accidental contact.
8.5 BlackBox data recording
Several parameters in respect to the application and use of the product are
stored in the EM converterLED. The parameters provide information about
the mains, battery, LED output and emergency operation.
The BlackBox can be read out with the masterCONFIGURATOR and
In order to allow a safe detection of a battery replacement through the “Black
Box data recording” follow the below described process.
Battery replacement
1. Disconnect mains
2. Disconnect battery
3. Reconnect and disconnect mains while no battery is not connected
4. Connect new battery
5. Connect mains
Battery fault is safely recorded by the EM converterLED
Connection of new battery is recorded by the EM converterLED
7.4.3 Short-circuit protection
In case of a short circuit the battery protection opens the connection to the
driver and the output is therefore free of voltage. The output will be reactivated
again when the short circuit is removed.
8.6 Additional information
Additional technical information at www.tridonic.com
Technical Data
Lifetime declarations are informative and represent no warranty claim.
No warranty if device was opened.