User Manual
Feedback Example
D i g i t A u d i o
Disable HDMI audio output of port x.
X=1, 2, 3, 4, disable this port.
X=5, disable all the 4 ports.
DigitAudio OFF with
/ + [ Y ] /
Set communication between PC and
HDBaseT receiver.
Y is for RS232 port (connect with RS232
port of HDBaseT receiver)
Y= 1~5 or A~H, The value of Y is
defined into the following meanings
(in a given baud rate depended by
the value of X):
Y = 1~4, send this command to the cor-
responding HDBaseT receiver to
control far-end device.
Y = 5, send this command to all
HDBaseT receivers to control all far-
end devices.
Y = A, B, C, or D
Y = E, F, G, or H
For items c or d, send this command,
it will be saved to the matrix switcher
but taken without action to corre-
sponding HDBaseT receiver. And its
command function will be effective
almost at the same time when you
send the command PWON (for item
c) or PWOFF (for item d).
A & E are for port 1. B & F are for
port 2.
C & G are for port 3. D & H are for
port 4.
X is for bound rate, its value ranges from
1 to 7 (1--2400, 2--4800, 3--9600, 4--
19200, 5--38400, 6—57600, 7--
***** is for data (max 48 Byte)