- 7 -
CCS-2 1002
The COFDM modulated HF output signals are sent through the HF output of the
cassette to the output collector. The common output level of the channel strips
can be set at the output collector.
When the head-end station is switched on, the two-line LC display shows the
software version of the control unit. To operate this cassette the software ver-
sion of the control unit must be "
V 44
" or higher. You can find the current op-
erating software for the control unit and the cassette, the software "
and the current assembly instructions on the website "
The cassette is intended for use in CSE 3300 head-end systems.
2.5 s
oft ware
If necessary, you can activate the indication of the software version of the
control unit manually:
• Press any two keys on the control unit of the head-end station simultaneously
until the display goes dark and the software version, e.g. "
V 44
" appears.
asset te
The software version of the cassette is shown in the display after activating the
cassette (see page 18).