Software Settings
This is only a reference as programming the settings in most
cases isn’t sequence dependent with the exception of controllers
programmed for VOC (Volumetric Offset control). Enter Isolation
set point.
it is recommended that the Room Isolation preference be
set before entering the settings for analog input 1.
Main Menu >> Unit Setup >> Room Setting >> Begransat lage >>
Select Primary, then select preferred Isolation Mode.
Go to Main Menu
1. System Setup >> Analog Inputs >> Analog Input 1
Sensor Input Settings >> Select Linearization Disabled and
Select Input Mode Normal (If the differential pressure [DP]
sensor is installed backwards, then select Inverted Mode to
reverse the input as needed.)
Engineering Units >> Pascals Select Range 4-20 mA for
Triatek Sensor
4. AI-1 Sensor Range >> ± 0.25 in. W.C.
5. Enter ISO Set point.
Be sure to indicate (-) for negative isolation set point.
Ex: -2.49
Enter Dead band and Select Finish
The same process will be required for all analog inputs. Please
note that feedback signals Vo and Ground from UVM supply and
exhaust should be on AI-3 (Supply) and AI-4 (Exhaust) of the
FMS165X controller. Therefore, FMS165x analog inputs 3 and
4 should be configured respectively. These are Flow Inputs with
Flow Sensor Type. The maximum Flow must be equal to the UVM
10 VDC flow Ex: 10 in. valve UVM is set for 1100 cfm at 10 VDC.
Therefore, the Maximum Flow is also 1100 cfm. Also, the range
in this analog input must be set for 0-10 VDC. Enter set point and
dead band as preferred.
The Maximum Flow at 10 VDC is standardized based on
the Venturi Valve Size.
14 in. valve = 2300 cfm
12 in. valve = 1600 cfm
10 in. valve = 1100 cfm
8 in. valve = 800 cfm
UVM Board
The UVM Controller is preconfigured for the Venturi Valve it’s
associated with. Therefore, you should only need to do three
1. Provide power 24 VAC to the factory supplied 24/24 Isolation
2. Connect wiring from the FMS Controller Analog Output to
UVM Controller IN-GRND for control signal
Connect wiring to the FMS Controller Analog Input from the
UVM Controller Vo-GRND
Dip Switch/Jumper Settings (Preconfigured at Factory)
SW1 on UVM Board is an 8 switch dip. Switch 5 (Actuator
Direction) will be set ON (Reverse) for Exhaust. Switch 5 will be
set OFF (Normal) for Supply. Switches 1-4 (Module Address)
should be OFF. Switches 6 and 7 (Operation Mode) will be set ON
for cfm. Switch 8 (Comms Termination) will be OFF.
Jumpers are preset at the factory
As previously mentioned, you will only need to connect:
1. Power (24 VAC)
IN and Ground (Control Signal 0-10 VDC)
3. Vo and Ground (Feed Back 0-10 VDC)
Actuator (Neptronic Fast Acting)
The actuator must not be wired as a load with any
Triatek controllers. The 24 VAC required may be wired in parallel
with an isolation transformer Line side. The actuators consume 15
VA and 24 VA Peak of power.
The Neptronic Fast Acting actuator has a 4 switch dip switch. This
dip switch is preconfigured in the factory. However, please note
Switches 1 and 2 are typically off with switch 3 ON for Exhaust.
While switches 1,2 and 3 are ON for Supply.
We don’t use switch 4.
1. Switch 1 Rotation CW/CCW
2. Switch 2 Fail Safe at 0 or 90
3. Switch 3 Control Signal Voltage or Current.
The UVM control signal to the actuator is 4-20 mA.