DHW Flow Restrictor
- Red is for CC125
- Blue is for CC105
- White is for CC85
Piping Support Bracket
Domestic Hot Water
Inlet Adapter
C Clip
DHW Flow Restrictor Instructions
DHW Flow Restrictor Installation
Installing the DHW Flow Restrictor while installing
the boiler only requires steps 6 & 7.
1. Turn off electrical power supply to the unit by
disconnecting the main power source.
2. Shut off both domestic hot water isolation
valves at the water heater and open both drain
valves to drain all water from the water heater.
3. Using two wrenches, disconnect the cold water
supply line from the domestic hot water inlet
4. Using two wrenches, loosen the water heaters
domestic hot water inlet adapter from the water
5. Remove the domestic hot water inlet adapter
from the piping support bracket by removing
the retaining clip.
6. Install the appropriate color flow restrictor for
the Challenger model in the bottom of the
domestic hot water inlet adapter. See Fig. 1.
7. Install the C Clip into the domestic hot water
inlet adapter to hold the flow restrictor in place.
8. Install the domestic hot water inlet adapter in
the piping support bracket and attach the retain-
ing clip.
9. Using two wrenches, tighten the boiler side
compression nut onto the domestic hot water
inlet adapter.
10. Install the cold water supply line onto the
domestic hot water inlet adapter and tighten
using two wrenches.
11. Close the water heater drain valves and open the
domestic hot water isolation valves.
12. Turn on electrical power to the unit and return
to service.
Fig. 1:DHW Flow Restrictor Installation
2013-9 CHALLENGER DHW Flow Restrictor Inst.
Date: 4/2/13