Traxxas TRX4 82056-4 Assembly Manual Download Page 47


Selecting a Throttle Mode:  


1.  Connect fully charged batteries to the model and turn on your 


2.  With the model off, press and hold the EZ-Set button until the LED 

turns solid green, then solid red, and then begins blinking red. It 

will blink once, then twice, then three times, then repeat.


One blink = Sport Mode

 is the default setting. It allows full forward 

and reverse throttle.

  Two blinks = Race Mode

 removes reverse throttle in case your 

track does not allow it.

  Three blinks = Training Mode

 will slow the model down by 50% 

for young or inexperienced drivers. 


Four blinks = Trail Mode

 is similar to Sport Mode, but with added 

drag brake when the throttle trigger is at neutral. This is the default 

setting for the TRX-4 and provides a good balance of smooth 

driving and additional drag brake for descending hills.


Five blinks = Crawl Mode

 allows 100% brake (hill hold) with 

immediate reverse when the throttle is at neutral. This setting is 

best suited for technical courses where very precise movements are 


3.  Release the EZ-Set button after the number of blinks for the mode 

you wish to select. 



If you missed the mode you wanted, keep the 

EZ-Set button pressed down and the blink cycle will repeat.

4.  The LED will blink and then turn solid green (Low-Voltage 

Detection ACTIVE) or red (Low-Voltage Detection DISABLED).  

The model is now ready to drive in the mode you have selected.

LED Codes and Protection Modes

•  Slow Blinking Red: 

Low battery voltage. If you see 

this code because a NiMH battery was connected to 

an ESC with Low- Voltage Detection turned on, then 

follow the calibration steps below to release the code 

and change the ESC to NiMH mode.

•  Fast Blinking Red and Green: 

Overvoltage. This 

code can appear when a fully charged NiMH battery 

is connected to the ESC with Low-Voltage Detection 

turned on. Follow the calibration steps below to 

release the code and change the ESC to NiMH mode.

•  Fast Blinking Red: 

Overtemp. Allow the ESC to 

cool before continuing. The ESC can get too hot in 

situations such as climbing and crawling in high gear, 

which increases load on the system. Use low gear for 

climbing and crawling.


TRX-4 Assembly Manual.indd   47

12/28/17   5:33 PM

Summary of Contents for TRX4 82056-4

Page 1: ...ASSEMBLY MANUAL MODEL 82016 4 ...

Page 2: ...BLY HINTS To assemble this kit you ll need a large flat working area where you will have plenty of room to build Be sure it s a place where you can leave your work spread out and not in the way when you want to take a break from the assembly Allow yourself plenty of time to build this kit assembly time is going to vary with each individual Experienced builders may only need 4 5 hours to assemble t...

Page 3: ...DESCRIPTIONS The following chart is provided to help you identify the many different sizes and types of hardware that are used in the assembly of this model Note the difference between the length measurements of the roundhead and countersunk screws A ruler is provided at the bottom of each page to measure the length of the screws in millimeters CCS Countersunk Cap Screw GS Set Grub Screw CS Cap Sc...

Page 4: ...rease Transmission Case Halves 2 TRANSMISSION BAG TRANSMISSION BAG TOOLS BAG A1 Insert5x11x4mmbearingsintotransmissioncasehalves A2 Assembleinputshaft Bearinginstallsonthe outsideofcasehalf Note BearingSeating Pressdownhardtoensure bearingsarefullyseated Applydrop ofgrease 30T Input Gear 18T Input Gear Sideview Sideview 7 7 3 ...

Page 5: ... Shift Dog 24T Output Gear 36T Output Gear Drive Hub High Performance Grease Option Part 8296 Single Speed Conversion Output Shaft 24Toutputgearanddrivehubassembly Shiftdogassembly 36Toutputgearassembly Applydrop ofgrease Holesface shiftdog TRANSMISSION BAG TOOLS BAG ACCESSORY A3 Assembleoutputshaft Sideviewassembled ...

Page 6: ...forkintoshiftdogrecess Placewashersonoutputassembly Placeassembliesintotransmissioncasehalves Securetransmissioncasehalvestogether Aligntheshiftforkwiththepinmoldedin thetransmissioncasehalf 2 4 3 2 5x8mm CS 2 5x8mm CS TRANSMISSION BAG A4 Installinputandoutputassembliesintomaintransmissionhousing 24T Output Gear and Drive Hub Assembly Input Gear Assembly ...

Page 7: ...rt Transfer Case Output Shaft 2x9 8 Pin 3 27T Transfer Case Gear 3 Longoutputshaftassembly Shortoutputshaftassembly 27Ttransfercasegearassembly Applydrop ofgrease Applydrop ofgrease Insert pin Applydrop ofgrease TRANSMISSION BAG TRANSMISSION BAG A6 Assembleandinstalltransfercasegears A5 Installbearingsintothetransfercase High Performance Grease TOOLS BAG 3 1 2 5x8x0 5mm PTFE Washer 5x8x0 5mm PTFE ...

Page 8: ...ngand applytospurgear Totightentheslippernut insertthe2 0mmhexwrenchintothehole intheendoftheinputshaft Thislockstheshaftforadjustments Turntheadjustmentnutuntilallfourspringwashersareflat then tightenthenutanadditional1 16turn oruntiltheslipperclutch doesnotallowthespurgeartoslipduringnormaloperation Onceassembled turninputshaft Thegearsshouldspinfreelywithnobinding 2 0mm Hex Wrench 4 Way Wrench ...

Page 9: ...RONICS BAG 2065Hi Lowshiftservo 3x8mm BCS 3x8mm BCS A9 Installshiftlinkageandhigh lowshiftservo Completedtransmissionassembly Note Servohorn ispre installedand factory centered Do notturnservoshaft byhandoryoucould damagetheservo Itisokaytoslightlyrock horntoalignballcup Donotturnservoshaft byhandoryoucould damagetheservo SAFE NO NO ...

Page 10: ...RENTIAL BAG 2 5x8mm BCS 2 5X8mm BCS 4 Ring Gear Diff Output Gear Long Diff Output Gear Short Crosspin 2 Spider Gear 4 Differential Carrier Diff Output Gear Long Diff Output Gear Short x2 x2 High Performance Grease Spidergearassembly Crosspin ApplyaLARGEdrop ofgreasebetween spidergears TOOLS BAG B1 Installlongoutputandspidergearsintodifferentialcarrier B2 Installringgearassemblyontodifferentialcarr...

Page 11: ...ENTIAL BAG B3 Installlockingsliderandbearingsontodifferentialcarrierassembly 10x15x4mm BB 15x21x4mm BB Locking Slider 7x14x5mm BB 2 5x12mm Pin x2 2 5x12mm Pin 15x21x4mm BB 7x14x5mm BB 10x15x4mm BB Locking Slider Pinwillfitinslot oflockingslider Sideviewassembled Completeddifferentialassemblies ...

Page 12: ...king Cable REAR AXLE BAG REAR AXLE BAG C1 Insertbearings piniongearanddifferentialassemblyintoaxlehousing C2 Assemblelockingforkandlockingcable 6x13x5mm BB 5x11x4mm BB 11T Pinion Gear Locking Fork 6x13x5mm BB 5x11x4mm BB Differential assembly High Performance Grease TOOLS BAG 1 2 Applydrop ofgrease Applydrop ofgrease Assembled ...

Page 13: ...orkandlockingcable 3mm E Clip Movetheendofthelocking cableinandouttoverifythe lockingforkmovesbackand forthonitspivot C4 Verifylockingforkinstallation Useneedlenosepliers tosetE clipbetween lockingcableand axlehousing Useneedlenoseplierstopress E clipontolockingcable 1 2 ...

Page 14: ...n Part 8280X Chrome Differential Cover C REAR AXLE ASSEMBLY REAR AXLE BAG C5 Installdifferentialhousingcover Differential Housing Cover 2 5x16mm CS 2 5x16mm CS 2 5x16mm CS 4 REAR AXLE BAG C6 Installaxleportalmountstoaxlehousing Axle Portal Mounts 2 2 5x10mm CCS 2 5x10mm CCS 2 5x10mm CCS 6 Note Orientation Note Orientation ...

Page 15: ...l Output Gear Portal Stub Axle Inner Rear Portal Housing Outer Rear Portal Housing REAR AXLE BAG REAR AXLE BAG C7 Insertbearingsinto portalhousings C8 Assembleandinstallportalinputandoutputgears 6x12x4mm BB 6x12x4mm BB 6x13x5mm BB 6x13x5mm BB 4x10x4mm BB 4x10mm BB x2 x2 High Performance Grease TOOLS BAG Applydrop ofgrease Applydrop ofgrease Portaloutputgearassembly 2x12mm Pin Portalinput gearassem...

Page 16: ... BAG REAR AXLE BAG C10 Installaxledriveshafts C9 Assembleportalhousings Left Axle Driveshaft Right Axle Driveshaft 2 5x16mm CS 4 Right Axle Driveshaft Left Axle Driveshaft 2 5x16mm CS 2 5x16mm CS 2 5x10mm CS 8 2 5x10mm CS 2 5x10mm CS Assembled Right Axle Driveshaft Long Left Axle Driveshaft Short ...

Page 17: ...E ASSEMBLY REAR AXLE BAG C11 Installlinkmountsand12mmwheelhexes 2 5x10mm CS 4 3x10mm Screw Pin 2 12mm Wheel Hex 2 Left Link Mount Right Link Mount 2 5x10mm CS 2 5x10mm CS 3x10mm Screw Pin 12mm Wheel Hex Completedrearaxleassembly Note Orientation Note Threads Note Orientation Checkyourassemblycarefully Straightonview ...

Page 18: ...NT AXLE BAG D1 Insertbearings piniongearanddifferentialassemblyintoaxlehousing 6x13x5mm BB 5x11x4mm BB 11T Pinion Gear 6x13x5mm BB 5x11x4mm BB Differential assembly High Performance Grease TOOLS BAG Locking Cable FRONT AXLE BAG D2 Assemblelockingforkandlockingcable Locking Fork 1 2 Applydrop ofgrease Applydrop ofgrease Assembled ...

Page 19: ...forkandlockingcable 3mm E Clip Movetheendofthelocking cableinandouttoverifythe lockingforkmovesbackand forthonitspivot D4 Verifylockingforkinstallation Useneedlenosepliers tosetE clipbetween lockingcableand axlehousing Useneedlenoseplierstopress E clipontolockingcable 1 2 ...

Page 20: ...ousingcover Differential Housing Cover 2 5x16mm CS 2 5x16mm CS 2 5x16mm CS 4 FRONT AXLE BAG D6 Installcasterblocksontoaxlehousing Left Caster Block Right Caster Block 2 5x10 CCS 2 5x10 CCS 2 5x10mm CCS 6 Inner Front Portal Housing Outer Front Portal Housing FRONT AXLE BAG 6x12x4mm BB 6x12x4mm BB 6x13x5mm BB 6x13x5mm BB 4x10x4mm BB 4x10mm BB x2 D7 Insertbearingsinto portalhousings Note Orientation ...

Page 21: ...060 Heavy Duty Axle Aluminum Accessory Aluminum Portal Housings D8 Assembleandinstallportalinputandoutputgears Applydrop ofgrease CV Crosspin 2x12mm Pin 10x15x4mm BB Portaloutputgearassembly Assembleportalhousings Portalinputgearassembly Front Driveshaft Right Driveshaft Long Left Driveshaft Short Applydrop ofgrease Portal Stub Axle 2x12mm Pin Portal Output Gear 1 1 2 2 2 5x10mm CS 8 2 5x10mm CS 2...

Page 22: ... Link Mount Right Link Mount 2 5x10mm CS 2 5x10mm CS FRONT AXLE BAG D9 Installportal driveshaftassembliestoaxle 3x12mm BCS 4 Kingpin Bushing 4 3x12mm BCS 3x12mm BCS 3x12mm BCS 3x12mm BCS Kingpin Bushing Kingpin Bushing Portal Assembly Portal Assembly Right Axle Driveshaft Long Right Axle Driveshaft Long Left Axle Driveshaft Short Left Axle Driveshaft Short 3x10mm Screw Pin 12mm Wheel Hex Note Thre...

Page 23: ...llow Ball Set FRONT AXLE BAG SUSPENSION LINK BAG 3x15mm BCS Drag Link Drag Link Completedfrontaxleassembly D FRONT AXLE ASSEMBLY 3x15mm BCS D11 Installsteeringlinktoportalhousings 92 18mm 133 18mm Checkyourassemblycarefully Straightonview Drag Link ...

Page 24: ...erightfloorpanandrightfrontwirecliptorightchassisrail 3x10mm BCS 2 Right Chassis Rail Right Chassis Floor Pan Front Bumper Mount Crossmember Steering Servo Mount Front Right Wire Clip Right Front Fender 3x12mm BCS 2 3x12mm BCS 3x10mm BCS 3x12mm BCS 3x12mm BCS Steering Servo Mount Right Front Fender Right Chassis Rail Front Right Wire Clip Right Chassis Floor Pan Front Bumper Mount Crossmember Note...

Page 25: ...smembertorightchassisrail 3x10mm BCS 2 3x10mm BCS 4 Lower Gear Cover Right Rear Fender Rear Right Wire Clip Rear Bumper Crossmember Center Skidplate Damper Crossmember 3x12mm BCS 3x12mm BCS Right Rear Fender Rear Bumper Crossmember Damper Crossmember 3x12mm BCS 3x10mm BCS 3x10mm BCS Lower Gear Cover Lower Gear Cover 3x10mm BCS 3x10mm BCS Rear Right Wire Clip Center Skidplate 3x12mm BCS 1 2 3 Top v...

Page 26: ...embleleftfloorpan leftrearandleftfrontwirecliptoleftchassisrail E CHASSIS ASSEMBLY Left Front Fender Left Chassis Rail Front Battery Plate 3x10mm BCS 2 3x12mm BCS 2 Left Chassis Floor Pan Rear Left Wire Clip Front Left Wire Clip 3x10mm BCS 2 3x12mm BCS 2 3x10mm BCS 3x10mm BCS Rear Left Wire Clip Front Left Wire Clip 3x12mm BCS 3x12mm BCS 3x8mm FCS 4 3x8mm FCS 3x10mm BCS 3x12mm BCS Left Chassis Rai...

Page 27: ...rfendertorightchassisrailassemblyandinstallrocklightcoverstofenders E CHASSIS ASSEMBLY 3x10mm BCS 4 Left Rear Fender Rock Light Covers 8 3x12mm BCS Completedchassisassembly 2 5x6mm CS 10 3x10mm BCS 3x10mm BCS 3x12mm BCS 2 5x6mm CS 2 5x6mm CS 2 5x6mm CS 2 5x6mm CS 2 5x6mm CS x8 Rock Light Cover Checkyourassemblycarefully ...

Page 28: ...Pinion Gear 3x10mm BCS 3 3x8mm CS 2 3x8mm BCS 3 3x4 GS Spur Gear Pinion Gear 39 45 9 x A 10 x B 11 x C 12 x D 13 x E 14 x F 15 A G 16 B H 17 C x 18 D x 19 E x 20 F x 21 G x 22 H x Screw Positions 3x8mm BCS 3x8mm BCS C Default D E F G H B A Upper Gear Cover Mesh gear teeth then tighten set screw Place servo wire into clip before installing screws 3x10mm BCS 3x10mm BCS 2 1 3 4 3x8mm CS 3x8mm CS 3x4 ...

Page 29: ...2075 Servo XL 5 HV Electronic Speed Control ESC TQi 2 4GHz Receiver 3x6mm BCS 2 3x10mm FCS 4 3x10mm BCS 2 3x6mm BCS 3x6mm BCS Receiver Foam Tape Receiver Foam Tape Placeonsmoothsurfaceportion noteorientation F5 InstallESContochassisassembly 3x10mm FCS Clipwiresintoretainersonservomount andchassisrailtowardreceiverbox 3x10mm BCS Place ESC wire under screw boss before installing screws Plugbulletcon...

Page 30: T Lock Servo Mount Antenna Tube Receiver Box Foam Seal 3x8mm BCS 3x8mm BCS Chassis T Lock Servo Mount 1 3 2 3x8mm BCS Routewires fromtheESC andtheshiftservo throughthetop loopoftheT Lock servomountbefore installingthemount onthechassis 4 F7 Installreceiverbottomfoam 3x4mm GS Antenna Tube Antenna Cap 1 2 Noteservoarmorientation Ballcupmountsshouldbe onthesamesideasthetoploopofservomount Notewire...

Page 31: ...1 F9 Installwiresintoreceiverbox F10 Waterproofandsealthereceiverbox Correctwirerouting Applylight coating Applysmall beadofgrease Receiver Clamp Foam Seal Receiver Clamp Foam Seal Receiver Wire Clamp Receiver Wire Clamp 2 5x8mm CS 2 Silicone Grease 2 Bundleexcesswiresinreceiverbox BATT CH5 Rear T Lock Servo CH4 Front T Lock Servo CH3 Shift Servo CH2 Electronic Speed Control CH1 Steering Servo Cau...

Page 32: ...Pivot Post Screw Pin Battery Clip Battery Clip 3x10mm BCS 2 Pivot Post Screw Battery Hold down Screw Pin 3x10mm CCS 2 1 3 4 2 Turntransmitteron seeQuickStart Turnonthemodel seeQuickStart SetSteeringTrim toZero Unplugbatteryandturntransmitteroff PlugbatteryintoESC seeQuickStart 3x6mm BCS Steering Servo Horn Completedassembly 5 3x12mm BCS 2 3x12mm BCS Noteorientation Servohornwillfacestraightahead T...

Page 33: ...esfully Ifitdoesnot itisoverfilled Upper Spring Retainer Lower Spring Retainer Shock Spring Shock Cap GTSShockExplodedView SuggestedSpringPreloadSettings Mayrequirefinetuningwhenbodyinstalled 6 35mm 25 Fillwith shockoil Slowlymove pistontoremove excessair Addoiltoreach theproperlevel Note Shaft shouldbefully compressedwhen capisinstalled 1 2 3 4 5 Left Front Shock Assembled 9mm 5mm 5mm 5mm Right F...

Page 34: ...nk Front Panhard Bar G SUSPENSION DRIVELINE INSTALLATION SUSPENSION LINK BAG G2 Attachfrontshocksandfrontlowersuspensionlinkstofrontaxleassembly 3x27mm BCS 3x27mm BCS 2 3x27mm BCS Left Front Shock Assembly Front Axle Assembly Front Lower Suspension Links Front Lower Suspension Links Right Front Shock Assembly 75 78mm 114 78mm Option Part 8274 Hollow Ball Set 3x23mm BCS 3x23mm BCS 37 61mm 77 61mm S...

Page 35: ...eering Link 3x15mm BCS Steering Link 3x15mm BCS Front Lower Link 3x15mm BCS Front Lower Link 3x23mm BCS Front Upper Link 3x23mm BCS Front Shock 3x23mm BCS Front Shock 3x15mm BCS Front Lower Link 3x15mm BCS Front Lower Link Installfrontpanhardbartochassis andsteeringlinktosteeringservo Installupperandlowersuspensionlinkstochassis Installfrontshockstofendersfromtopofchassis 3x15mm BCS Front Panhard ...

Page 36: ...per Suspension Links Rear Lower Suspension Links G SUSPENSION DRIVELINE INSTALLATION 84 50mm 84 50mm 123 50mm 127 31mm Rear Lower Link Rear Upper Link 3x30mm BCS Rear Upper Links Rear Upper Suspension Link Rear Upper Suspension Link Rear Lower Suspension Link Rear Lower Suspension Link Left Rear Shock Assembly Right Rear Shock Assembly 3x27mm BCS Shocks and Rear Lower Link 3x27mm BCS Shocks and Re...

Page 37: ...ower Link 3x15mm BCS Rear Lower Link 3x15mm BCS Rear Lower Link 3x15mm BCS Rear Lower Link 3x25mm BCS Rear Upper Link 3x25mm BCS Rear Upper Link 3x25mm BCS Rear Upper Link 3x25mm BCS Rear Upper Link Installupperandlowersuspensionlinkstochassis Installrearshockstofendersfromtopofchassis 3x23mm BCS Rear Shock 3x23mm BCS Rear Shock 3x23mm BCS Rear Shock 3x23mm BCS Rear Shock ...

Page 38: ...haftassembly Longhalfshaftassembly x3 x1 CV Ball CV Ball CV Cross Pin CV Cross Pin Long Female Half Shaft Short Female Half Shaft CV Pin Retainer CV Pin Retainer CV Pin Retainer CV Pin Retainer CV Cup CV Cup CV Cup CV Cup Male Half Shaft Male Half Shaft Stock Pin Stock Pin Stock Pin Stock Pin Frontdriveshaft Reardriveshaft Ensure stock pins are installed parallel to each other Screw ball cup on un...

Page 39: ...iveshafts G SUSPENSION DRIVELINE INSTALLATION 3x10mm Screw Pin 4 Frontdriveshaftinstallation Reardriveshaftinstallation 3x10mm Screw Pin 3x10mm Screw Pin 3x10mm Screw Pin 3x10mm Screw Pin Completedsuspension drivelineinstallation Checkyourassemblycarefully ...

Page 40: ...onchassis M4x0 7 NL 4 M4x0 7 NL Wheels 4 Tires with Foam Inserts 4 Traxxas Ultra Premium Tire Glue Part 6468 Sold Separately x2 x2 x4 Gluethetirestothewheels Useyourthumbtopush thesideofthetireawayfromthewheel Repeatat fourpointsaroundthewheel Turnthewheeloverand repeatontheinsideofthewheel 3x20mm BCS 4 Body Post Crossmember 2 3x20mm BCS 3x20mm BCS 3x20mm BCS 3x20mm BCS 3x20mm BCS 3x20mm BCS Noter...

Page 41: ...y Mount Short Rear Body Mount Long Front Body Mount Short Rear Body Mount Long Adjustthebodymountheight asnecessarytofitthebodyyou chooseforyournewTRX 4 Wheelwellsmayneedto betrimmedforbodytofit 3x18mm Screw Pin 3x18mm Screw Pin 2x12mm CS 4 2x12mm CS 2x12mm CS 2x12mm CS 2x12mm CS 2 6x8mm BCS 2 6x8mm BCS 4x5mm Yoke Pin 4 Bumper D Rings Bumper D Rings Winch 4x5mm Yoke Pin 4x5mm Yoke Pin Adjustthebum...

Page 42: ... H FINAL CHASSIS ASSEMBLY BODY ACCESSORIES BAG H5 Attachrocksliderstoleftandrightfloorpans 3x8mm BCS 8 3x8mm BCS 3x8mm BCS 3x8mm BCS 3x8mm BCS Rock Sliders 2 Kitassemblycomplete NoteOrientation Shorterendstowardsfront ...

Page 43: ...l dry place DO NOT store in direct sunlight DO NOT allow the storage temperature to exceed 140 F or 60 C such as in the trunk of a car or the cells may be damaged and create a fire risk DO NOT disassemble LiPo batteries or cells DO NOT attempt to build your own LiPo battery pack from loose cells Charging and handling precautions for all battery types BEFORE you charge ALWAYS confirm that the charg...

Page 44: ...y Always disconnect the battery or batteries from the speed control when not in use Insulate the Wires Always insulate exposed wiring with heat shrink tubing to prevent short circuits Transmitter on First Switch on your transmitter first before switching on the speed control to prevent runaways and erratic performance Don t Get Burned The ESC and motor can become extremely hot during use so be car...

Page 45: ...ontrol Adjustments section of this guide Turning on Your Model Turn on the transmitter Always turn the transmitter on first before turning on the model The transmitter s LED will glow Plug the battery into the speed control Align the and markings Make certain the battery plug is completely inserted Turn on the model Press and release the EZ Set button on the speed control Do not hold the button do...

Page 46: ...n knob on the transmitter Turn the knob clockwise to increase speed counterclockwise to reduce speed You can accelerate and drive faster with the cruise control set and the vehicle will resume the set speed when the throttle is released Resume function The TQi transmitter has additional tuning features that can be accessed by the MENU and SET buttons For details download the complete manual by fol...

Page 47: ...ted for technical courses where very precise movements are required 3 Release the EZ Set button after the number of blinks for the mode you wish to select Note If you missed the mode you wanted keep the EZ Set button pressed down and the blink cycle will repeat 4 The LED will blink and then turn solid green Low Voltage Detection ACTIVE or red Low Voltage Detection DISABLED The model is now ready t...

Page 48: ...171228 KC2560 R00 6250 TRAXXAS WAY McKINNEY TEXAS 75070 1 888 TRAXXAS MODEL 82016 4 ASSEMBLY MANUAL ...
