Driving the E-Maxx
Now it’s time to have some fun!
This section contains
instructions on driving and
making adjustments to your
E-Maxx. Before you go on,
here are some important
precautions to keep in mind.
Allow the E-Maxx to
cool for a few minutes
between runs.
The radio system is not waterproof.
Avoid driving through
puddles or mud. If water gets into the electronics it could
damage them.
Do not continue to operate the truck with low batteries or
you could lose control of it. Indications of low battery power
include slow operation and sluggish servos (slow to return
to center). Stop immediately at the first sign of weak
batteries. When the batteries in the transmitter become
weak, the red power light will begin to flash. Stop
immediately and install new batteries.
Do not drive the truck at night, on public streets, or in large
crowds of people.
If the truck becomes stuck against an object, do not
continue to run the motors. Remove the obstruction before
continuing. Do not push or pull objects with the E-Maxx.
Because the E-Maxx is controlled by radio, it is subject to
radio interference from many sources beyond your control.
Since radio interference can cause momentary losses of
control, allow a safety margin of space in all directions
around the truck in order to prevent collisions.
Use good, common sense whenever you are driving your
truck. Intentionally driving in an abusive and rough manner
will only result in poor performance and broken parts. Take
care of your E-Maxx so that you can enjoy it for a long time
to come.
Driving Tips
Monster trucks by design have a high center of gravity that
requires a different driving technique. To prevent rollovers,
slow down as you approach turns and then apply strong
throttle through the turns. This technique will help the
E-Maxx grab the surface and turn sharper.
When jumping the E-Maxx, make sure to release the throttle
just before the wheels contact the ground. Holding the
throttle wide open as the truck lands could damage
transmission and driveline components. Do not shift the
transmission while the truck is in the air.
Drive over large obstacles (such as curbs and rocks) at an
angle, instead of head on. This will allow the suspension to
articulate and absorb the impact much easier.
About Run Time
The E-Maxx is able to achieve long run times due to the greater
efficiency of the high voltage electrical system. A large factor
affecting run time is the type and condition of your batteries.
The milliamp hour (mAh) rating of the batteries determines how
large their “fuel tank” is. A 3000 mAh battery pack will
theoretically run twice as long as a 1500 mAh sport pack.
Because of the wide variation in the types of batteries that are
available and the methods with which they can be charged, it’s
impossible for us to give you exact run times for the E-Maxx.
Another major factor which affects run time is how the E-Maxx
is driven. Our experience has shown that the run times are
shorter when the truck is driven continuously, in high gear, at
top speeds. In off-road situations with lower speeds and mostly
low gear usage, expect much longer run times.
Tips for Increasing Run Time
Use batteries with the highest mAh rating you can purchase.
Use a high-quality peak-detecting charger.
Discharge the batteries completely after each run.
Vary your speed. Continuous high-speed, high-gear running
shortens the run time on the E-Maxx.
Maintain your E-Maxx. Do not allow dirt or damaged parts to
cause binding in the drivetrain. Keep the motors clean and
the motor bushings lightly lubricated.