DVS Ember-Fyre Burner (Version 2.1 Log)
Installation Instructions
(SKU 96900105)
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17601874 — 1/15/16
© Travis Industries, Inc.
Ember Placement
Place a layer of embers along any screw heads and visible edges of the burner.
Rockwool Installation
The included rock wool is placed on top of the burner to enhance the glow from the burner.
The rock
wool works best when it is applied in a very thin, porous layer.
The best method for applying the
rock wool is to brush it on to the burner. Compress a clump of rockwool between your thumb and
forefinger. Use a stiff brush to apply a thin layer of rockwool fibers onto the burner. Do not use the
entire bag of rockwool. Use only a small amount and save the remainder. Over-use of rockwool will
diminish the glow and may cause sooting or other adverse conditions.