1800 816 277
Product HandBook
VersatileBoom Operation
NOTE: Before commencing spraying, plan the work effectively to minimise
potential contamination of adjacent areas.
Operation of the VersatileBoom is conducted as follows:
CAUTION: Do not spray in windy conditions, where spray drift contamination may
occur. Spray drift can be reduced by lower nozzle height, lower pressures or by
fitting larger nozzles.
1. Wind direction and speed must be taken into account, as windy conditions may endanger the operator or damage to
adjacent non-target vegetation. Avoid spraying on hot and sunny days or when wind speed exceeds 6.5km/h.
NOTE: Standard mounting height for the spray nozzles is 500mm above ground
2. Wind drift can be reduced by lowering the VersatileBoom such that the nozzles are closer to the ground, using lower
pressure or by fitting larger nozzles.
3. Check the calibration of the VersatileBoom spray nozzles for correct delivery of product; the calibration procedure is
described above.
4. Set the required spray selection by opening or closing the individual control valves on the spray lines, refer to Figure 8.
Figure 8 – VersatileBoom Spray Configurations