Trango Broadband Wireless — User Manual M915S Rev. 1
Page 6
Several functions, such as the site survey function and the SU RSSI function,
can only be performed while the radio
is in a particular Opmode. See Appendix A – Command Set Reference for a complete listing of commands, and the
appropriate Opmode(s) for each command.
Switch Settings
M915S firmware includes several “switches” that are used to set certain operational parameters of the radios.
Switch settings can be changed via the HTTP browser interface or the command line interface. For purposes of
radio TCP/IP management, the following four switches are important:
Switch 2 (SU) -
TCP/IP access to SU from the AP’s side of the network requires that the SU’s switch 2 (SW 2 –
TCP/IP for AP) be ON. Default setting for SW 2 (from factory) is ON.
Switch 5
AP and SU)
– In order to utilize the radio’s HTTP Browser interface, switch 5 (SW 5 – Enable HTTP)
must be ON. Default setting for SW 5 (from factory) is ON.
Switch 6 (SU) -
TCP/IP access from Ethernet port of SU requires that switch 6 (SW 6 – TCP/IP Service for
Ethernet Port ) be ON. Default setting for SW 6 (from factory) is ON. If SW 6 is OFF, TCP/IP access to SU
from it’s Ethernet port is possible only if the SU’s Opmode is “OFF.”
Switch 7
– TCP/IP access to AP from SU’s side of network requires that the AP’s switch 7 (SW 7 –
TCP/IP for SU) be ON. Default setting for SW 7 (from factory) is ON.
In order to login to an M915S radio (either through telnet or through the web browser interface), the user must
know the IP address and password. Both APs and SUs feature two levels of passwords, Read Write (RW) and
Read Only (RO). Be sure to change both passwords (RW and RO) prior to deployment on a live network.
Passwords can be changed using the “
password ro
password rw
command in either the CLI interface or in the
command console of the browser interface.
Reset Button
Pressing the reset button will reset the radio’s IP address and password back to the factory defaults.
Default IP
Default Password
Browser Interface
The M915S (both AP and SU) features a convenient and easy-to-use web based configuration and management
tool. No additional software is needed on your computer other than a web browser. Most functions can be
performed using the browser interface, although several functions can only be performed via command line
interface (CLI). The browser interface also includes a Command Console page that allows the user to enter most
CLI commands without leaving the browser interface.
To use the browser interface, the following must be present:
An Ethernet connection between a PC and the radio
Ethernet PC connection with IP/subnet that is routable to the radio
SW 5 ON (default)
A web browser on the PC (i.e. Microsoft Internet Explorer)
In order to use the browser interface – simply connect the radio to a PC and type the radio’s IP address (default IP
) into the web browser (i.e. Microsoft Internet Explorer). This will bring up the Login
NOTE: Login pages for the AP and SU are similar.