Reheat Coil
Dehumidification shall be provided
through a hot gas reheat option. The coil
shall consist of copper tubes
mechanically expanded into evenly
spaced aluminum fins. All coils are to be
proof and leak tested. The proof must be
performed at 1.5 times the maximum
operating pressure and the leak test at
the maximum operating pressure. In
addition, the tubes are to be completely
evacuated of air to check for leaks in a
Water Regulating Valve
The water regulating valve assembly
shall consist of a direct acting valve and
a reverse acting valve. The direct acting
valve shall open in response to an
increase in discharge pressure during
the cooling cycle. The reverse acting
valve shall open in response to a
decrease in suction pressure during the
heating cycle. Water regulating valves
shall be used where low flow, or low or
high fluid temperature conditions exist.
This accessory shall be used with open-
loop systems.
Ball Valves
Ball valves shall be field installed
between the unit and the loop pump
module, on both supply and return lines
to the loop.
Motorized Water Valve
When extreme fluid temperature
conditions do not exist with an open
loop system, a motorized water valve
shall be applied. The motorized valve
shall aid in maintaining pressure in the
loop during equipment cycling.
Pump Module
The pump module shall be a complete
self contained pumping package for an
earth-coupled heat pump system. The
module shall be factory installed at the
coil with union connections. Pressure-
temperature ports shall be provided
between the coil union and the module
on both the water-in and water-out
piping packages.
The module shall consist of a single, 1/6-
HP bronze pump, and a brass 3-way
shutoff valve. These kits shall contain the
necessary components for the
installation, operation, and maintenance
of the water circuit of a closed-loop
distributed pumping application.
Hoses shall consist of a stainless steel
outer braid with an inner core of tube
made of a nontoxic synthetic polymar
material. The hoses shall be suitable for
water temperatures ranging between
33 F and 211 F [.55 C and 99.4 C] without
the use of glycol.
Automatic Flow Devices
The automatic self-balancing device
shall automatically limit the rate of flow
to within 10-percent of the specified
amount, over a 40 to 1 differential
pressure operating range of 2 to 80 PSID.
The operational temperature shall be
rated from fluid freezing, to 225 F
[107.2 C].
The valve body shall be suited for
working pressures of 400 PSIG. The
valve internal core shall consist of one or
more high temperature elastomeric
diaphragms and precision orifice with
sculptured orifice seat.
Dual pressure/temperature test ports
shall be standard for verifying the
pressure differential and system
The unit shall be warranted by the
manufacturer against defects in material
and factory workmanship for one year.
The refrigerant circuit including motor-
compressor, expansion device, all heat
exchangers in contact with refrigerants,
and reversing valve (less solenoid coil)
shall be warranted for that year (parts
only). Optional extended warranties shall
be made available.
Drain Pan
The drain pan shall be constructed of
corrosion resistant material and
insulated to prevent sweating. The
bottom of the drain pan shall be sloped
on two planes which pitches the
condensate to the drain connection.
When the unit is installed and trapped
per the manufacturers installation
manual, the drain pan shall be designed
to leave puddles no more than 2-inch
[50.8 mm] in diameter, no more than
-inch [3.2 mm] deep, no longer than 3
minutes following the step 3 of the
following test. The test steps are:
1. Temporarily plug the drain pan.
2. Fill the drain pan with ½-inch
[12.7 mm] of water or the maximum
allowed by the drain pan depth,
whichever is smaller.
3. Remove the temporary plug.
The motors shall be a multi-speed
permanent split capacitor with thermal
overload protection. A high and low
switching device shall be provided for all
units and accessible behind the hinged
control door. The motor shall contain a
quick-disconnect plug and permanently
lubricated bearing.
The fans shall be placed in a blow-
through configuration. They shall be
constructed of corrosion resistant
galvanized material.
Electric Heat
The electric heat option (boilerless for
the heat pump version) shall be factory
wired and tested. It shall be composed of
a nichrome open wire coil designed for 2
kW per unit ton. It shall consist of a
single stage of electric heat used as a
primary heating source when
compressor lockout has occurred due to
the entering water temperature falling
below 55 F [12.8 C] in a boilerless