Quick Type Function
You can quickly change the Type without having to enter Type mode first by pressing and hold-
ing the TYPE (PITCH) button. The most-recently selected sub-mode appears on the Display
and the pads will light up according to the sub-type state. You can then tap the pads to toggle
them between the two states of the active sub-type. Releasing the TYPE (PITCH) button re-
turns the F1 to Performance mode.
You can also change the sub-type when using the Quick Type function. Just turn the encoder
knob while holding the TYPE (PITCH) button and the new sub-mode appears on the Display,
with the pads lighting up according to the new sub-mode (see above).
Quick Type Function with Gate Override Mode
The Quick Type function also works with the Gate Override sub-mode. When you have this sub-
mode selected, holding the TYPE (PITCH) button cases all Samples to be subsequently trig-
gered in Gate mode. When you release the TYPE (PITCH) button, the normal Sample trigger
behavior is restored.
Pitch Mode
Pitch mode lets you match (or mismatch!) the keys of your Samples to other Samples or songs
playing in other Decks. It only works when Keylock is enabled for the Slot (see also
Not only a fundamental tool for digital DJing, you can also be very creative using Pitch mode.
For example, by using the same vocal riff Sample on a number of different Sample Cells, you
can tune each one to a different key. You can even play melodies on your F1 with a battery of
differently-pitched Samples in One-shot mode mapped out over your Remix Deck.
When Pitch mode is active, the following controls will not be affected:
• Filter knobs
• Volume faders
• Mute (STOP) buttons
The following controls will be disabled when Pitch mode is active:
Type Mode
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