PF ff the drill is stored outside during the rainy seasonI care should be taken to ensure
that water does not get into the mellet eopperK tood pelletsI when wetI expand
greatly and will jam your AugerK
A ToAbdbo dofii Clsbo to protect the drill is
highly recommended! Covers are available from your Traeger aealerI or log on
to our teb pite –
QF aepending on useI periodically remove the morcelain drillI drease arain man and
eeat Baffle to clean the ash from in and around the cirepotK A shopJvac is handy for
this choreK jake sure the drill is `lia before starting this procedureK
RF te recommend keeping a longJhandled cleaning brush near the drillK After removing
your foodI give the morcelain drill a quick brushingK ft takes only a minute and it will be
ready the next time you want to use the drillK
Be careful not to burn yourselfK
pbCTflk pfuW cobnrbkTiv Aphba
tev tlk’T Mv dofii fdkfTb?
NF serify power at the electrical outletK
aF ff mower `ord is connected to a dcf Edround cault fnterrupterFI check and reset
if necessaryK
bF fnitiate startupK
ptill no ignition – mroceed to step OK
OF aisconnect mower `ord from electrical outletK
aF oemove the `ontrol and check the fuse on backK oeplace the fuse if blownK
oeinstall the Control!
bF rnplug eot ood connector EmurpleLthite wire pairFI plug mower `ord into an
appropriateI grounded electrical outlet and turn the pwitchLaial lkK
this point the drill will not igniteK
cF `heck the araft fnducer can and the Auger arive jotor for operationK ff both
are operating JJ the eot ood needs to be replacedK ff one or both are not
operatingI contact qraeger qechnical pupport
EpbCTflk pbsbkF
for additional
troubleshooting helpK `ontact your qraeger aealer or the qraeger marts
EpbCTflk pbsbkF
to place an orderK
PF ff the problem is identified to be a failed eot oodI the drill can still be used to cook
and smoke by following the
MAkrAi ifdeTfkd fkpTorCTflkp
of this ltkbo’p jAkrAiK
tev Aob kl mbiibTp Bbfkd abifsboba fkTl Teb cfobmlT?
NF serify that there are mellets in the mellet eopperK ff this is the
fkfTfAi cfofkd
or the
drill has run out of melletsI allow sufficient time for the mellets to travel from the mellet
eopper to the cirepot Ecan take up to T minutesFK
OF fnitiate startupK pee
fkfTfAi cfofkd fkpTorCTflkp
pbCTflk Ttl
of this
ltkbo’p jAkrAiK