pbCTflk lkbW AppbMBiv fkpTorCTflkp
pteps N through T below do not apply if you intend to use your drill in a builtJin
MlrkTfkd Teb ibd coAMb AppbMBifbp Aka CApTbop
qhe assembly process will be much
if you have another person to helpK
NF tith your helperI carefully lay the drill on its back on a nonJabrasive surfaceK
OF qhe O ieg crames EORTF will mount on each side of the drillI running front to backK
PF rsing the TLNS trenchI attach the ieg crames EORTF to the drillK O eex eead Bolts
and O tashers are needed for each ieg crame EORTFK
ao not
over tightenK
QF Attach a ieg Brace EOSNF to the cront iegsK rse Q mhillipsJhead pcrews and Q
ao not
over tightenK
RF fnstall the `asters EOQQIOQRFK qhe iocking `asters EOQQF are to be located on the
of the drill Eaoor pideFK plip a `aster ptem fully into the iegK qurn the
qensioning oing at the bottom of the `aster ptem to tightenI which expands the
`ompression Bushing and secures the `aster in the iegK oepeat this process on the
remaining iegsK
SF tith your helperI stand the drill uprightK
TF Attach a ieg Brace EOSNF to the oear iegsK rse Q mhillipsJhead pcrews and Q
ao not
over tightenK