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3.  Connect the Remote Link wire between the TSP Power Supply and J3 of the BCM. 
4.  The potentiometer of the TSP power supply (not the TSP-BCM) should now be adjusted fully counter-clockwise (V

out min


5.  Next ensure the blade fuse is correctly inserted into the BCM. 
6.  The System ON/OFF switch on the BCM should now be set to the ON position. 
7.  Configure the BCM module to your actual configuration of power supply TSP 090-124, TSP 090-148, TSP 180-124, TSP 

180-148, TSP 360-124, TSP 360-148, TSP 600-124 or TSP 600-148 in combination with TSP-BCM12, TSP-BCM24(A) or 
BCM48(A) by choosing the jumper position J6 as described in paragraph 3.5. 

8.  Exercising caution, the AC power wires should now be connected, AC power still being disabled by external isolation switch 

or circuit breaker. 

9.  When mains supply connection wires are connected and safe isolation is verified, mains power can now be switched on. 
10.  Now the TSP Power Supply will switch on the BCM and the UPS system is operational. 
11.  The potentiometer on the BCM is set by the factory to suit Valve Regulated Lead Acid Battery from Panasonic and 

equivalent types and should not be interfered by the user, unless other Lead Acid Batteries of different voltage temperature 
characteristics are connected. 

12.  If a non-recommended battery is applied to the circuit, the output voltage of the TSP-BCM module needs to be adjusted to a 

different “End of Charge Voltage” (Fig. 2.1.). This voltage value can be obtained from battery manufacturer’s datasheets.  

13.  The Temperature sensor should now be fixed to the battery and connected to J5 on the TSP-BCM (Refer to paragraph 2.3) 
14.  Next the battery wires should be connected on the TSP-BCM module, DO NOT connect to the battery first! (Refer to 

paragraph 2.3) 

15.  Then connect the battery wires on the battery. (Refer to paragraph 2.3) 
16.  Next the Load can be connected to J2 of the BCM. (Refer to paragraph 2.3) 
17.  For verification of proper functionality, switch off the input mains power at the external circuit breaker and output power 

should be supplied from the battery, if a fully charged battery has been applied. 

18.  For proper operation, a new system should always start up with a fully charged battery. If a non fully charged battery is 

applied, the battery should be charged in full over night before any load is applied to the output of the TSP-BCM module. 

19.  The system is now fully operational and the output load can be applied.



2.3 Connection of TSP-BCM12, TSP-BCM24, TSP-BCM24A, TSP-BCM48 & TSP-BCM48A 





Fig. 1.1: Connection of remote links to Power Supply 

Remote Link 
