1. Introduction
The TS-series antenna brings high quality satellite television to your vessel. The TVRO TS-series
antennas are compatible with DVB-S2 and the MSAS (Multiple Satellite Auto Switching) function
including 22 KHz Tone, DiSEqC, and DirecTV settings allows automatic switching between Foxtel &
VAST set top boxes and also are compatible with Foxtel IQ boxes. The TS-series is a competitively
priced antenna that is based on the same technology as the TrackSAT UltraTrack UT-series (TVRO),
providing exceptional tracking ability, and is ideal for private and smaller vessels.
TS-Series Features
Attitude Heading Reference
system(AHRS) using an IMU sensor
(3 axis gyro scope, 2 axis acceleration)
High performance stabilization in
rough weathers
Honest 3 axis system - Stabilized
azimuth and elevation with a skew
Stabilized skew system guarantees
perfect searching and tracking
Automatic skew control
Antenna control unit displays
heading value without gyro
connection using AHRS derived from
inverse kinematics technology
Ready for gyro compass connection
for faster and more stable satellite
Tracking 6 sec of unwrap time
Compatible for DVB-S2
Provides over 80 satellites parameters
DiSEqC 1.2, 22K tone & Direct TV function available
(automatic satellite switching using receiver up to 4 satellites)
DSP(Digital Signal Processor) control technology
High gain reflector
Built in GPS