User's Manual l STK-MBa53 UM 100 l © 2013 TQ-Group
Page 59
General notes
Due to technical reasons a battery is necessary for this product. Batteries containing mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd) or lead (Pb) are
not used. To allow a separate disposal, batteries are generally only mounted in sockets.
Lithium batteries
The requirements concerning special provision 188 of the ADR (section 3.3) are complied with for Lithium batteries.
There is therefore no classification as dangerous goods:
Basic lithium content per cell not more than 1 g
(except for lithium ion and lithium polymer cells for which a lithium content of not more than
1.5 g per cell applies (equals 5 Ah)).
Basic lithium content per battery not more than 2 g
(except for lithium ion batteries for which a lithium content of not more than 8 g per cell applies (equals 26 Ah)).
Lithium cells and batteries are examined according to UN document ST/SG/AC.10-1.
During transport a short circuit or discharging of the socketed lithium battery is prevented by extricable insulating
foils or by other suitable insulating measures.
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By environmentally friendly processes, production equipment and products, we contribute to the protection of our
The energy consumption of this subassembly is minimised by suitable measures.
Printed pc-boards are delivered in reusable packaging. Modules and devices are delivered in an outer packaging of paper,
cardboard or other recyclable material.
Due to the fact that at the moment there is still no technical equivalent alternative for printed circuit boards with bromine-
containing flame protection (FR4 material), such printed circuit boards are still used.
No use of PCB containing capacitors and transformers (polychlorinated biphenyls).
These points are an essential part of the following laws:
The law to encourage the circular flow economy and assurance of the environmentally
acceptable removal of waste as at 27.9.94
(source of information: BGBl I 1994, 2705)
Regulation with respect to the utilization and proof of removal as at 1.9.96
(source of information: BGBl I 1996, 1382, (1997, 2860)
Regulation with respect to the avoidance and utilization of packaging waste as at 21.8.98
(source of information: BGBl I 1998, 2379)
Regulation with respect to the European Waste Directory as at 1.12.01
(source of information: BGBl I 2001, 3379)
This information is to be seen as notes. Tests or certifications were not carried out in this respect.
No software is required for the STK-MBa53. More information can be found in the
Support Wiki for the TQMa53