Title : Tpi580
8. DUCT setting
Push the DUCT key.
Choose Free Area , Rectangle , Circular with the Up / Down key.
Set to push the Enter Key.
Choose the value with Up / Down , Left / Right key.
Set to push the Enter key.
** Push the Enter key on general air velocity measurement mode and it changes to air volume measurement.
Duct size max value
Unit cm : 9999
Unit m : 99.99
Unit ft : 99.99
Unit in : 999.9
** The max value is saved if the unit changed value is higher than max value.
9. Memory ( 0 ~ 299 )
Measure the air velocity and air volume on general mode or Record mode.
Push the MEM key.
- CaptureTpi580 and Memory mode displays. (Data save mode)
Choose the address with the arrow key ( left, right, up, down ).
Push the Enter key.
- Tpi580 saves the captured data to the selected address.
- End the Memory mode. Now it is measurement mode.
When you save the measurement value on Record mode, it can be saved on Stop and saves the average value.
* Memory All Clear *
Push the MEM key more than 2 sec on Memory mode and Clear starts.
When Clear is done, the display changes to general measurement mode.
* Escape / Cancel *
The work is done with the UNIT key on Memory mode and Recall mode and now it is general measurement mode.
** Memory mode is not working on “OPEN”.
** It can’t recall when you recall the address without saved data.
10. RECALL ( 0 ~ 299 )
Push the RCL key.
Choose the Recall address with the left, right, up, down key.
Push the Enter key.
Display the saved value.
- Recall: “HOLD” and “ REC” display.
- Velocity / Volume display with Enter key.
- You can check the Duct size and type with Bluetooth.