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С  настоящето  AvMap S.r.l  декларира,  че  този  X-NAV  отговаря  на 
основните  изисквания  и  други  съответни  постановления  на 
Директива 1999/5/EC. 


AvMap  S.r.l  tímto  prohlašuje,  že  tento  X-NAV  je  ve  shodě  se 
základními  požadavky  a  dalšími  příslušnými  ustanoveními  směrnice 


Undertegnede AvMap S.r.l erklærer herved, at følgende udstyr X-
NAV overholder de væsentlige krav og øvrige relevante krav i 
direktiv 1999/5/EF. 


Hiermit erklärt AvMap S.r.l, dass sich das Gerät X-NAV in 
Übereinstimmung mit den grundlegenden Anforderungen und den 
übrigen einschlägigen Bestimmungen der Richtlinie 1999/5/EG 


Käesolevaga kinnitab AvMap S.r.l seadme X-NAV vastavust direktiivi 
1999/5/EÜ põhinõuetele ja nimetatud direktiivist tulenevatele 
teistele asjakohastele sätetele. 


Hereby, AvMap S.r.l, declares that this X-NAV is in compliance with 
the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of 
Directive 1999/5/EC. 


Por medio de la presente AvMap S.r.l declara que el X-NAV cumple 
con los requisitos esenciales y  cualesquiera otras disposiciones 
aplicables o exigibles de la Directiva 1999/5/CE. 




Par la présente AvMap S.r.l déclare que l'appareil X-NAV est 
conforme aux exigences essentielles et aux autres dispositions 
pertinentes de la directive 1999/5/CE. 


Hér með lýsir AvMap S.r.l yfir því að X-NAV  er í samræmi við 
grunnkröfur og aðrar kröfur, sem gerðar eru í tilskipun 1999/5/EC. 


Con la presente AvMap S.r.l dichiara che questo X-NAV è conforme ai 
requisiti essenziali ed alle altre disposizioni pertinenti stabilite dalla 
direttiva 1999/5/CE. 

Latviesu valoda 

Ar  šo  AvMap  S.r.l  deklarē,  ka  X-NAV  atbilst  Direktīvas  1999/5/EK 
būtiskajām prasībām un citiem ar to saistītajiem noteikumiem. 

Lietuvių kalba 

Šiuo  AvMap  S.r.l  deklaruoja,  kad  šis  X-NAV  atitinka esminius 
reikalavimus ir kitas 1999/5/EB Direktyvos nuostatas. 


Hawnhekk, AvMap S.r.l, jiddikjara li dan X-NAV jikkonforma mal-ħtiāijiet 
essenzjali u ma provvedimenti oħrajn  relevanti  li  hemm  fid-Direttiva 


Alulírott, AvMap S.r.l nyilatkozom, hogy a X-NAV megfelel a vonatkozó 
alapvetõ követelményeknek és az 1999/5/EC irányelv egyéb elõírásainak. 


Hierbij verklaart AvMap S.r.l dat het toestel X-NAV in overeenstemming is 
met de essentiële eisen en de andere relevante bepalingen van  richtlijn 


AvMap S.r.l erklærer herved at utstyret X-NAV er i samsvar med de 
grunnleggende krav og øvrige relevante krav i direktiv 1999/5/EF. 


Niniejszym  AvMap  S.r.l oświadcza,  śe  X-NAV  jest zgodny z zasadniczymi 
wymogami oraz pozostałymi  stosownymi postanowieniami Dyrektywy 


AvMap S.r.l declara que este X-NAV  está  conforme com os requisitos 
essenciais e outras disposições da Directiva 1999/5/CE. 


Prin prezența AvMap S.r.l declară că acest X-NAV este în conformitate cu 
cerinţele esenţiale şi alte prevederi relevante ale Directivei 1999/5/CE. 


AvMap S.r.l izjavlja, da je ta X-NAV v skladu z bistvenimi zahtevami in 
ostalimi relevantnimi določili direktive 1999/5/ES. 


AvMap S.r.l týmto vyhlasuje, že X-NAV spĺňa základné požiadavky a všetky 
príslušné ustanovenia Smernice 1999/5/ES. 


AvMap S.r.l vakuuttaa täten että X-NAV  tyyppinen laite on direktiivin 
1999/5/EY oleellisten vaatimusten ja sitä koskevien direktiivin muiden 
ehtojen mukainen. 


Härmed intygar AvMap S.r.l att denna X-NAV står I överensstämmelse 
med de väsentliga egenskapskrav och övriga relevanta bestämmelser 
som framgår av direktiv 1999/5/EG. 


Nëpërmjet kësaj, AvMap S.r.l, deklaron se ky X-NAV është në  pajtim me 
kërkesat thelbësore dhe dispozitat e tjera përkatëse të Direktivës 

Црногорски језик 

Ovim, AvMap S.r.l, izjavljuje da ovaj X-NAV  je  usklađen  sa  bitnim 
zahtjevima i drugim relevantnim odredbama Direktive 1999/5/EC. 


Ovime  tvrtka AvMap S.r.l izjavljuje da je X-NAV u skladu osnovnim 
zahtjevima i ostalim odredbama Direktive 1999/5/EC i Pravilnika o RiTT 
opremi (NN 25/2012). 


11/12/14   15:40

Summary of Contents for Aygo X-NAV

Page 1: ...Owner s manual AYGO X NAV ...

Page 2: ...TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Safety Instructions Warnings Quick Guide EN Navigation System ...

Page 3: ......

Page 4: ...e proper use The screen shots in this document and the actual screens of the navigation system differ depending on whether the functions and or a contract existed and the map data were available at the time of producing this document Please be aware that the content of this manual may be different from the naviga tion system in some cases such as when the system s software is updated ...

Page 5: possible and glance at the screen briefly and only when it is safe However do not totally rely on voice guidance Use it just for reference If the system cannot determine the current position correctly there is a possibility of incorrect late or non voice guidance The data in the system may occasionally be incomplete Road conditions including driving restrictions no left turns street closures et...

Page 6: ...ution for the position of your vehicle Icon Meaning Good signal Average signal Bad signal No signal Dead reckoning The GPS status icon appears on the right corner of the map when the sceen is active The GPS signal may be physically obstructed leading to inaccuratevehicle position on the map display Tunnels tall buildings trucks or even the placement of objects on the instrument panel may obstruct ...

Page 7: ......

Page 8: ... 1 1 2 Navigation menu functions 8 1 2 Map layout overview 10 1 2 1 Accessing the map page 10 1 2 2 How to explore the map 11 1 3 Setting the first destination 12 1 3 1 The Drive to menu 12 1 3 2 How to enter an address and start navigation 13 1 4 Map layout during navigation 14 ...

Page 9: ... SCREEN 1 1 1 OPENING THE NAVIGATION MENU Press the Connect button on the menu then choose Navigation among the options in the list Accept the Navigation System Disclaimer to continue LIST OF APPLICATIONS DISCLAIMER Quick Guide MAP No route Navigation Menu ...

Page 10: ... to the map page 2 DRIVE ME HOME Create a route to a user point saved as HOME 3 USER SETTINGS Preferences about the system language units etc 4 TRIP OVERVIEW A synoptic view of your trip 5 MAP SETTINGS Preferences about the routing and the map appearance 6 DRIVE TO Search and set a destination Navigation Menu ...

Page 11: ...p a point on the map to activate the screen 1 2 3 4 6 5 N Function 1 NAVIGATION MENU Direct access to the Navigation Menu 2 COMPASS AND SCALE Orientation and scale of the map 3 ZOOM IN Press to zoom in 4 ZOOM OUT Press to zoom out 5 GPS STATUS ICON Indicator about the GPS signal quality 6 BOTTOM BAR It displays info about your current position MAP No route ...

Page 12: ...nd drag it in any direction FIRST FINGER TAP Activates the screen In this mode the controls and info on map become available Tap a point on the map SECOND FINGER TAP Places the cursor Info on the point appears in the bottom bar Tap a point on the map PRESS THE BOTTOM BAR Opens the info page on point PRESS ZOOM IN AND ZOOM OUT BUTTONS Zooms the map PRESS THE GPS STATUS ICON Opens the GPS Page PRESS...

Page 13: ...SETTING THE FIRST DESTINATION 1 3 1 THE DRIVE TO MENU In the Navigation Menu press the Drive to Button 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 N Function Page 1 Address or ZIP 12 2 POI 19 3 Favourites 20 4 Point on Map 22 5 Drive back 22 6 Recents 22 7 Coordinates 22 ...

Page 14: ...the virtual keyboard and press OK 4 A list will be displayed 5 Select your choice by pressing one of the names in the list 6 Repeat from point 2 to 5 to enter city street and street number 7 Press OK 8 In the pop up menu press the Drive to button 9 Choose your favourite route from the multiple route dialog and press OK The route will be calculated Drive to menu Keyboard Enter Address dialog Start ...

Page 15: ...turn indicator to open the turn list Next maneuveur arrow indicator 2 TURN DISTANCE Distance to the next maneuveur 3 ETA data box Press this data box to swap the information estimated time of arrival time to go Estimated time of arrival 4 DTG data box Press this data box to swap the information distance to go distance from departure Distance to go ...

Page 16: ...w page 6 MENU Opens the Navigation menu 7 CLEAR ROUTE A warning pop up will ask confirmation Clears the current route 8 GPS STATUS ICON Press GPS data box to open GPS Page GPS signal quality 9 Lane Assistant The lane to be followed is orange 10 Speed Limit indicator The icon changes to red when the current speed is above the limit 11 Speed camera alarm 10 9 5 6 7 8 11 ...


Page 18: ...MENU 18 2 1 2 MAP SETTINGS MENU 20 2 2 DRIVE TO MENU 21 2 2 1 Searching a POI 21 2 2 2 Favourites and Home marks 22 2 2 3 Other Drive to options 24 2 3 TURN LIST 25 2 3 1 The turn list 25 2 3 2 How to avoid a manouveur 27 2 4 TRIP OVERVIEW 27 2 5 GPS PAGE 28 ...

Page 19: ...IGATION SYSTEM OWNER S MANUAL 2 1 SETTINGS Navigation System 2 1 1 USER SETTINGS MENU In the Navigation Menu press the User settings button 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 User settings menu page 1 User settings menu page 2 ...

Page 20: ...te button 4 UNITS Switch from metrical to imperial system for length and altitude 5 DATE AND TIME PRESENTATION dd mm yyyy or mm dd yyyy 12 am 12 pm or 24h 6 ABOUT Navigation system info software and map version 7 CLEAR RECENTS Clear all the recent searched destinations 8 FACTORY RESET Set back the navigation system to the factory defaults setting It does not affect the Favourites database Volume c...

Page 21: ...ions it allows to avoid special type of roads such as toll roads or pedestrian areas 2 MAP PRESENTATION View options 2D north up 2D direction up or 3D 3 ICONS ON MAP Hide or show POI icons on map 4 PALETTE Map palette options day light or night view 5 AUTOZOOM Enable or disable autozoom option 6 SPEED CAMERAS Enable or disable speed cameras alarm Map settings menu page 6 ...

Page 22: ...the research range 1 Choose the search option for instance near position 2 In the categories list on the left side press Change range 3 Move the control to set the range and then press Back button to go back to the categories list 4 Continue by choosing the subcategory or by pressing the Search by name button POI menu To search by name 1 Choose the search option for instance near position 2 In the...

Page 23: ...n cursor point press Add as favourite button or 1 Search a point by entering an address or using POI Coordinates Recents options in the Drive to menu 2 At the end of the process in the Start Navigation pop up menu press the Save as favourite button To set a favourite mark as destination 1 In the favourites list scroll the list and tap on the chosen mark 2 In the Start Navigation pop up menu press ...

Page 24: ...e end of the process in the Drive to pop up menu press Save as home button or 1 In the Navigation menu press the Drive me home button If any home has not been previously set the software will ask the user to set it using the same options present in the Drive to menu To set Home as destination 1 In the Navigation menu press the Drive me home button Full info page Start Navigation pop up menu Add to...

Page 25: ... 2 Scroll the list with the arrows and tap the desired item Recents list POINT ON MAP This function allows to explore the map and pick a point to set as destination To pick a point and set destination 1 In the Drive to menu press the Point on map button 2 Explore the map dragging it with a finger 3 Tap on the desired point to place the cursor 4 Press the Drive to button on the left side of the map...

Page 26: ...List To open the turn list press the turn indicator on map Turn indicator 1 2 3 N Item Description 1 TURN DISTANCE From current position 2 TURN PICTOGRAM It indicates the type of turn including roundabouts and highways exits 3 DESCRIPTION Manouveur description and street name ...

Page 27: ...26 NAVIGATION SYSTEM OWNER S MANUAL Turn List pop up menu 2 3 2 How to avoid a manouveur To avoid a manouveur 1 In the list tap on the manouveur 2 In the pop up menu press the Avoid button Avoid ...

Page 28: ...splays the distance and the time to go data 3 ARRIVAL 4 ARRIVAL DATA The box displays the total distance and the total time data 5 DEPARTURE TIME 6 DISTANCE FROM DEPARTURE 7 ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL On the map tap a point to activate the screen and then press the Trip overview button This page is available also from the Navigation menu ...

Page 29: ... fix position 3 SKY The representation of the sky is north up oriented as the compass 4 SATELLITE ICONS Yellow low signal Green strong signal 5 SATELLITE SIGNAL LEVELS Yellow low signal Green strong signal On the map tap a point to activate the screen and then tap the GPS status box The GPS page is available also from Trip overview page and Full info page ...


Page 31: ...inka esminius reikalavimus ir kitas 1999 5 EB Direktyvos nuostatas Malti Hawnhekk AvMap S r l jiddikjara li dan X NAV jikkonforma mal ħtiāijiet essenzjali u ma provvedimenti oħrajn relevanti li hemm fid Direttiva 1999 5 EC Magyar Alulírott AvMap S r l nyilatkozom hogy a X NAV megfelel a vonatkozó alapvetõ követelményeknek és az 1999 5 EC irányelv egyéb elõírásainak Nederlands Hierbij verklaart AvM...

Page 32: ... Publication no AOM 001 592 1 Printed in UK PZ49X 90333 CS PZ49X 90333 DA PZ49X 90333 DE PZ49X 90333 EL PZ49X 90333 EN PZ49X 90333 ES PZ49X 90333 NL PZ49X 90333 NO PZ49X 90333 PL PZ49X 90333 PT PZ49X 90333 RO PZ49X 90333 RU ...
