lit for a while, the chimney should be checked for blockages before lighting.
When ready to light the stove, put a small piece of fire lighter, about 25mm square is big
enough, and then add small sticks, taking care not to smother the flames. When the sticks
are well alight add small logs, gradually increasing the size. Once the fire is well
established and hot the bottom air slide can be closed. When burning solid fuel, it may be
necessary to leave the bottom air vent slightly open.
The appliance will give more heat output with increased air supply, so the controls can be
adjusted to increase or decrease the burning rate of the fuel, as desired.
This appliance is hot whilst in operation.
Keep children and furniture a safe distance away.
In the presence of children, elderly or infirm people a fireguard should be used. The
fireguard should be manufactured in accordance with BS 8423:2002 – Fireguards for use
with solid fuel appliances.
User warning - parts become very hot while the stove is running so should not be touched
with bare hands. The special operating tool and a pair of gloves are provided for operation
of the hot stove.
To close the stove down,
The appliance is designed to operate efficiently with the fire door closed. The door
should be kept closed at all times, except when refueling or removing ashes.
The appliance is designed to operate efficiently with the fire door closed door. The door
should be kept closed at all times, except when refueling or removing ashes. Operation
with the stove door open can cause excessive smoke. The appliance must not be operated
with the stove door left open.
Do not over fill the firebox the maximum filling height is 100mm. Before opening the
door to re-fuel, open the primary air at the bottom right hand side. Slide the left hand lever
to the right to close the external air. This stops air coming from outside and pushing smoke
into the room. Add the fuel and close the door. Then open the left hand lever, leaving the
right hand lever open for 2 to 3 minutes. Then close the right hand lever and use the left
hand lever to adjust to suit required heat.
Refueling on to a low fire bed
If there is insufficient burning material in the firebed to light a new fuel charge, excessive
smoke emission can occur. Refueling must be carried out onto a sufficient quantity of
glowing embers and ash that the new fuel charge will ignite in a reasonable period. If there
are too few embers in the fire bed, add suitable kindling to prevent excessive smoke
Operation with door left open
Operation with the door open can cause excess smoke. The appliance must not be operated
with the appliance door left open except as directed in the instructions.