NOTE: Sheet metal parts have sharp edges, use caution when handling.
Frame Assembly
Special note prior to frame assembly.
The parts of this frame are designed so that once the frame is assembled and attached to the fireplace, the face of the
frame will be free of all screw heads protruding outward which would interfere with the facing material being applied to
the frame. Care must be taken during assembly so that all holes in the narrow side of the frame parts face toward the
rear of the fireplace. Figure 17 shows these holes on side of the frame parts.
Frame assembly instructions.
1. On a large flat surface, lay the parts on their narrow end and with the holes mentioned in the special note above,
facing upward. Place 1 upper/lower stud (#4) horizontally. This will become the top-most horizontal stud.
2. Place 2 center studs (#6) perpendicular to, and below the above upper/lower stud. Using the screw holes on the
upper/lower stud as a guide, place each center stud aprox 8” on either side of the upper/lower stud center point so
that they are in-line with the screw holes.
3. Use supplied wafer screws (#1) to join the upper/lower stud (#4) and the center studs (#6) together.
4. Position Inner Cross Brace (#5) horizontally along the bottom ends of the 2 center studs (#6) and fasten with wafer
screws to the center-most 2 positions along this cross brace.
5. Position Side Studs (#2) at each end of the assembled frame so that the side studs are perpendicular to the upper/
lower stud and inner cross brace.
6. Position the Lower Cross Brace (#7) between the two side studs and about 6” from the lower ends of the side
studs. Attach each end of the lower cross brace to the side studs with wafer screws. Position this brace so that the
narrow vertical side is facing outward away from the fireplace as shown in Figure 14.
7. Fasten 2 framing plates (#8) to the outside of each of the 2 side studs (Figure 15) beginning with the lower one.
There must be 16 inches from the top of the lower plate to the top of the upper plate when done. Make sure that the
two holes in each plate face toward the rear of the fireplace (Figure 15 and Figure 17). Also make sure to position
the plates so that they line up with the framing brackets on the fireplace (Figure 17).
8. Place and attach the two Outer Side studs (#3) - tab side out (Figure 14 and Figure 16). - at each end of both the
top upper/lower stud and bottom upper/lower stud.
9. Finish the frame assembly by attaching the 2nd upper/lower stud (#4) at the bottom of, and perpendicular to the
side studs.