3. Cut the throttle guide tube and the throttle pushrod to
the correct length, then mount and connect the throttle servo
to the carburetor arm using the screw-lock assembly. Glue
one or two of the
guide tube braces
into position where
necessary to brace the throttle pushrod guide tube.
The screw-lock assembly is a little tricky; do not over tighten
the thread-on retainer or else the screw-lock will not pivot in
the servo arm causing the throttle pushrod to bind. Because
of this, threadlocker must be used on the thread-on retainer
so it does not come off.
4. While we’re still working “under the hood,” mount the
muffl er and connect the fuel line to the carb and the vent
line to the pressure tap off the muffl er (the dangling fuel line
in the photo will be for fueling/defueling).
Mount the Cowl
Disregard the landing gear and wings that appear in following
images. Your landing gear and wings should not yet be
1. Glue the ½" x ½" x 1" [13 x 13 x 25mm] hardwood
cowl mount blocks
to front of the fuselage even with the
fuselage sides.