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5.2.3. Symbols for the operating status
Establishing a connection:
controler establishes a connection
via the RS485 interface.
The control is paused be-
tween two welding processes or
welding cycles.
Preheating pause:
The preheat-
ing is switched on during the
pause, but is not active.
Measurement pause:
The meas-
urement pause is actvated. The
controller stops sending the meas-
urement impulse to the heating
Calibration switching:
the active calibration at active cali-
bration switching in the upper right
corner of the symbols of the opera-
tus status.
Preheating active:
The preheat-
ing is switched on during the
pause and is active.
Start delay:
The Start delay as
part of the sequence control runs
A welding process is
carried out when the sequence
control is switched off. When the
sequence control is switched on,
the welding time runs down.
Cooling phase:
The Cooling
phase as part of the sequence
control runs down.
An error has occurred. This
symbol field can be selected in the
case of an alarm and an Error
menu with an error description and
possible corrective actions will be
The controller exe-
cutes a calibration. The digit on the
right-hand side indicates the cali-
bration step which is currently be-
ing carried out (
Tc Start correction:
Calibration is
at the 9
step of the Tc correction
and waits for the Start signal in
order to start heating.
Tc Heating correction:
The Tk
correction is executed and the
heating element is heated to the
corresponding temperature step
(1…8), example here: step 3.
Tc Correction acceptance:
Tc correction is executed and the
actual temperature measured of
the heating element was accepted
for the corresponding temperature
step, example here step 3.
Single-pt. Tc correction Off:
The single-point Tc correction is
started. The target value for heat-
ing in the On-state is set. Correc-
tion is switched on with the “Start”
Single-pt. Tc correction On:
The heating element is heated to
the temperature set as the target
value in the Off state.
5.2.4. Error menu
Line 1
E R R O R M E N U N o . : 4 0
Line 2
C u r . s i g n a l I r a n d
Line 3
v o l t a g e s i g n a l U r
Line 4
t o l o w
Line 5
C a l i b r a t e
Line 6
C h e c k h e a t i n g c i r c u i t
Line 7
Line 8
Press the button
to return to the Working menu (
Line 1:
Menu name, the error number is displayed on the
right hand side.
Line 2…8:
First, there is an error description and then pos-
sible corrective measures are displayed.