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Display Contents
(1) Sensor adjustment value display
[ H ] 2 0 ° C
[ A ] 2 2 ° C
[ S ] 4 0 ° C
[ R E F . < U > ]
3 . 8 V
[ R E F . < L > ]
3 . 8 V
[ T R A N S . ]
2 . 3 V
[ P E
L V . R ]
4 . 3 V
[ P E
L V . T ]
4 . 8 V
(2) Supplementary explanation
• During the sensor check, each sensor status is monitored and displayed every 200 msec.
(When the sensor status is changed, the display also changes.)
• When the [FEED] and [RESTART] keys are entered at the same time, the system mode
menu is displayed.
Open-air temperature sensor status
(0 °C to 86 °C)
Thermal head temperature sensor status
(0 °C to 86 °C)
Heat sink sensor status
(0 °C to 86 °C)
Lower reflective sensor status without paper
(0.0 V to 5.0 V)
Transmissive sensor status without paper
(0.0 V to 5.0 V)
Upper reflective sensor status
(0.0 V to 5.0 V)
Lower reflective sensor status
(0.0 V to 5.0 V)
Transmissive sensor status
(0.0 V to 5.0 V)