Maintaining a Safe Work Environment
Nevertheless, airlines may prohibit the use of all
External DVD SuperMulti Drives (and any other
portable electronic devices that could emit stray RF
energy) during takeoffs and landings, because of
possible interference with the reception of signals
by airborne electronic navigation devices.
(c) FCC regulations, ICES, and European Standards
for “Class B” digital devices severely limit the
levels of RF energy that may be emitted by a
External DVD SuperMulti Drives.
The resulting emissions therefore also fall well
within the allowable limits that have been adopted
by OSHA in 29 CFR 1910.97, and that have been
adopted by the promulgators of all other know
regulations and standards that relate to the
emission of EMF energy in the RF range.
Consequently, the minute levels of EMF energy in
the RF range that are emitted by External DVD
SuperMulti Drives comply with all existing
regulations and standards, and pose no known
health hazards to human beings.