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Understanding OIS Features
10. Turn Bit Off:
Any coil or bit can be turned off using this task. The bit/coil should be a read-write coil.
11. Toggle Bit:
Any coil or bit can be toggled using this task. The bit/coil should be a read-write coil.
12. Copy Tag B to Tag A:*
Tag B can be copied to tag A using this task. The value of tag B will be unchanged. Tag A will be
same as tag B.
13. Swap Tag B to Tag A:*
Tag A and Tag B values can be swapped using this task.
14. Print Data:
Text data on the particular screen will be printed.
15. Copy Tag to STR:
Any specified task will be copied to STR. This STR decides the screen to be displayed.
16. Copy Tag to LED:
LEDs of the Prizm can be used to reflect the value of a tag. The tag should be copied to LED
register for such functionality.
17. Delay:
An unconditional delay can be added to the task list. All the tasks after this task are delayed by
the specified time.
18. Wait:
All the tasks after this task are not performed till the condition specified by this task does not
become true.
19. Copy Recipe block to PLC block:
Recipe block will be copied to PLC block using this task. The block size will be set by the user.
20. Copy PLC block to Recipe block:
PLC block will be copied to Recipe block using this task. The block size will be set by the user.
* While defining double Tag operations, make sure both the tags have same number of bytes. Else the
task may lead to erroneous results.