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Technical Data
No.TE-FDX3543RP 2012-08-16
Excellent Sensitivity & Resolution
Excellent Image Quality
Excellent Reliability
– Excellent Sensitivity & Resolution –
Toshiba’s advanced and proven
fine structured CsI:Tl
direct vapor deposition
technology deliver higher sensitivity and better resolution.
Reflection coating on CsI:Tl screen enables excellent Detective Quantum Efficiency (DQE)
and low noise.
A high Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) FPD is the result of these outstanding
technologies diagnostic images, while delivering the benefits of lower radiation dose to the
patient. The FDX3543RP achieves a new level of functionality and reliability in developing
functional FPD’s for system manufacturers.
– Excellent Image Quality –
Achieves a raw image with a
through the use of Toshiba’s own circuit technology.
Images have a shorter lag time with an improved refresh function, suitable for radiographic
double exposure.
Driver software (attached to the product) provides excellent, clear raw images, adopting
ghost image correction , offset correction, gain correction and defect corrections.
– Excellent Reliability –
Excellent durability by using CsI:Tl screen direct vapor deposition method.
The structure is highly reliable and protected from degradation due to the use of a unique
moisture-proof sealing method for the CsI:Tl screen