Service Manual
General Air Controller
Gauge of general air inlet, to the unit.
Regulator / stabilizer 4-6 Bars of the air inlet to the unit, filter water and impurities,
with output at the end, with indicator pressure and open/close valve.
Delivered with inlet ØExt. 8mm.
Back panel connectors
CN1 connector (upper left). Trigger signals.
Pin Name
1 V24
Power 24V (50 mA max)
0V ground
3 INP-0
Print&Apply signal or
Apply signal (apply) when printing signal is separated of apply signal
4 INP-1
Inhibit cycle signal
CN1: for PRINT&APPLY signal
(program 0) (or only APPLY
program 1-2) and INHIBITION
CN2: for PRINT signal (program 1-
2) and PERIMETER security signal
CN3: for light indicator (optional)
CN4: I/O programable I/F (optional)