User Manual
Rev 1.06
56 |
P a g e
What is the XT1000?
It is a rugged IP65, handheld PC that provides data COLLECTION during
the bolting process.
What is the XT2000?
It is an XT1000 plus a pump mounted assembly that wirelessly provides
pressure CONTROL of the pump during the bolting process.
Is Torq-Comm sold elsewhere as an OEM product?
The Commander XT’s and related products
available only through Torq-
Comm’s distribution channels at this time.
Does Torq-Comm compete with GaugeFlex?
- The GaugeFlex system is designed for Quality
Control data collection while the Torq-Comm products are designed for production and
assembly data collection.
Do the Torq-
Comm Commander XT’S provide an error
-proof system?
Unfortunately, as long
as humans are involved, there will always be the possibility of errors. Robots may be the only
way to accomplish this. You can set most any gauge to the desired reading and press enter.
Operator integrity is crucial, however, the Torq-Comm products greatly reduce the chances of
operator error. Besides this, it is ten times better than what they are doing currently.
Can I over-torque?
- By combining our collect and control capabilities with the XT2000, a
supervisor can create a work instruction that specifies the correct pressure settings and be
confident those settings will be unchanged. With our ability to limit the access certain operators
have, we can automatically set the pressure settings and prevent operators from changing them.
How can the Commander
prevent rehits?
With the XT2000, we can control the
pressure. Operators without privileges cannot increase the pressure past predetermined
points. Hence, if they attempt to increase pressure, even accidentally, the system will not
allow it.
Are the Commander XT’S explosion proof?
- These units are Class 1 Div. 2 rated for
explosive environments. Should you need Class 1 Div. 1 we have other units to
satisfy these needs.
How can I insure assembly integrity through the use of bolting patterns?
The Commander XT’S
are developed according to ASME specifications for flange assembly. Bolting patterns are included
in the Commander XT’s software. By following the instructions displayed on the screen, we can
walk the operator through tightening each bolt of each pass of the assembly procedure, all the
while collecting the necessary data to ensure traceability.
Can I ensure the tool is being placed on the right bolt?
Hopefully! We are currently working
with the Rochester Institute of Technology to ensure the bolting pattern is followed. Should the
operator place the tool on the wrong bolt, the pump will not be allowed to activate.